Rahim Yar Khan (Online) In District Rahim Yar Khan mostly private Schools taking Rs. 500 per students fee on the name of PEC Exam 2016. Students are demanded from EDO Education Rahim Yar Khan that they must take sever action against those schools. Some Peoples says that they are part of Union.
Some agents collect bundle of files from different schools and visit cluster center with all these files. If any cluster demanded that the relevant schools Head come to cluster center for submission of student data than they try to black mail cluster Heads.
According to rules , each private schools is separately visit the clusters and give files to responsible person and after a few days they must contact with Cluster for verification of student Data.
Cluster Centers demanded that each school come separately and submit their file in respective cluster. But some agents try to black mail the heads and don’t want to follow the rules and try to use different sources from education department to threaten the clusters.
But all clusters must follow the rules according to instructions received from Punjab Examination Commission and their respective Executive District Officers (Education). All clusters working under instructions received from EDO (Education) and Punjab Examination Commission. Peoples are demanded from Higher authorities that they must take action against those private schools which are taking money on the name of PEC Exam 2016 and not ready to cooperate with Clusters. For this Exam there is no fee from any students.
It is also requested to Mr. Rana Azhar EDO Education Rahim Yar Khan and Mukhtiar Chawan DEO Secondary Rahim Yar Khan must forward a notification to all cluster(more than 90 clusters) that they get files from each Private school separately from Principal or Owner Head of Private School after checking all credentials required for PEC Exam 2016.