Winter vacations 2015 may extend after January 11,2015
Lahore (Online) Rana Mashood Minster for Education Punjab says on Punjab Assembly floor that Winter vacations may be extend after January 11,2015 due to security threat. He also says that Govt can not allowed those schools which can not take measures about Security action plan under govt instructions. He also says that government try to provide the security guards to all schools in public sector.
Due to increasing population in Lahore , Punjab government decided to upgrade all schools in Lahore , Primary Schools upgraded to Middle (Elementary) , Elementary Schools upgraded to High Schools , and all high Schools upgraded to Higher Secondary Schools. Regarding this Punjab Government also provide the funds to construct new class rooms for all schools. In all new Towns Punjab Government decided to make new schools. Strength of students in schools present in Lahore are over crowded. Government of the Punjab announced new seats of PST , EST , SST , SS and SSS in upgraded schools.