2nd Year Physics Paper Annual 2023 Subjective New Course Paper 2023 Group 1st Bahawalpur Board, Past Papers Group 1st , First Annual Examination 2023 Solved Questions with Answers download Pdf Bahawalpur Board.
12th Class Physics Paper Annual 2023 (Morning)
BISE Bahawalpur Board

Physics (Subjective)
2nd Year ( Inter Part 2)
Group 1st (Morning)
First Annual 2023
Time 2H 40Minutes
Subjective Total Marks : 68
Note: It is compulsory to attempt any (8 – 8) Parts each from Q.No. 2, Q.No.3 and attempt any (6) Parts from Q.No.4. Attempt any (3) Questions from Part – 2.
Write same Question No. and its Part No. as given in the Question Paper.
Make Diagram where necessary.
SHORT Questions
Question No.2 Attempt any 8 Parts. (8 x 2 = 16)
- Do Electrons tend to go to region of High Potential or of low Potential ?
- Is Vector E necessarily Zero inside a charged rubber balloon If balloon is spherical ? Assume that charge Is distributed uniformly over the surface.
- How charged particle work during their flight In inkjet printer?
- What Is Potential Gradient? Give its units.
- Why the Resistance of an Ammeter should be very low 1
- If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space, can you say magnetic field in this region is zero?
- How you express Magnetic Flux? On what factor it depends?
- How we can increase the range of Voltmeter?
- What do we mean by the term Critical Mass?
- What do you understand by “Background Radiation”? State two sources of Radiation.
- What do you mean by Quark?
- What is Radiography? What is its importance?
Q. No.3 Attempt any 8 Parts. (8 x 2 = 16)
- hy does the Resistance of a conductor rise with temperature ?
- Do bends in a wire affect its Electric Resistance? Explain.
- Name any four sources of Current.
- Explain the conditions under which Electromagnetic Waves are produced from a source.
- How many times per second will an Incandescent Lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50 Hz source?
- What do you mean by Root Mean Square Value ( rms ) ?
- Differentiate between Crystalline Amorphous and Polymeric Solids?
- What is meant by Para, Dia and Ferromagnetic Substance? Give example of each.
- Explain what is Curie Temperature ?
- Why a Photodiode is operated in reverse biased state ?
- What is the Net Charge on a n – type or p – type substance ?
- The input of a gate are ‘ 1’ and ‘0’. Identify the gate if its output is
(a) 0 (b) 1
Q.No.4 Attempt any 6 Parts. (6 x 2 = 12)
- What does Negative Sign in Equation of Faraday’s Law indicate ?
- Define the Si Unit of Mutual Inductance Henry.
- Can a D.C. Motor be turned into a D.C. Generator? What changes are required to be done ?
- Which Photon red , green or blue carries the most : (a) Energy and (b) Momentum ?
- Which has the Lower Energy Quanta Radio waves or X – rays ?
- From theory of Relativity, derive the expression of Momentum of Photon.
- What is Energy of a Photon in a beam of infrared Radiation of Wavelength 1240 nm ?
- What do we mean when we say that the atom is excited ?
- Differentiate between Spontaneous Emission and Induced or Stimulated Emission.
Part – II
(8×3 = 24)
Note: Attempt any three Question from this Part.
Q. No. 5 (a). State and Explain Coulomb’s Law. (5)
Q. No. 5 (b). 1.0 x 107 Electrons pass through a conductor in 1.0. Find the current in Ampere flowing through the conductor. Electric Charge is 1.6 x 10 -19 C . (3)
Q. No. 6 (a). What is Motional emf ? Derive an expression for it . (5)
Q. No. 6 (b) What current should pass through a Solenoid that is 0.5 m long with 10,000 turns of Copper so that is will a magnetic field 0.4 T ? (3)
Q. No. 7 (a) How Transistor can be used as Amplifier ? Explain with Circuit and derive expression for voltage gain. (5)
Q. No. 7 (b) What is the Resonant Frequency of a circuit which includes a coil of Inductance 2.5 H and a Capacitance 40 uF ? (3)
Q. No. 8 (a) Describe the Wave Nature of Particle. Also discuss Davisson and Germer Experiment. (5)
Q. No. 8 (b) A 1.25 cm diameter cylinder is subjected to a load of 2500 Kg. Calculate the stress on the bar in Mega Pascals. (3)
Q. No. 9 (a) What is Spectroscopy ? Derive the expression that in Bohr’s Atomic Model of Hydrogen Atom , Bohr’s Orbital Energies are Quantized. (5)
Q. No. 9 (b) How much energy is absorbed by a man of mass 80 Kg who receives a lethal whole body equivalent dose of 400 rem in the form of low energy Neutrons for which RBE factor is 10 ? (3)
12th Class Physics Group 1st New Course Paper 1st Annual Examination 2023 Group First BISE Bahawalpur

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