Class 10th Biology MCQs Quiz 2 with Answers Gaseous Exchange

10th Class
Chapter No.1
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 50

86. The percentage of respiratory disorders is particularly high in:

A. Pakistan
B. America
C. India
D. England

A. Pakistan

87. Why is the rate of respiratory disorder high in Pakistan?

A. due to pure air
B. due to advance technologies which control pollution
C. due to low concentration of air pollutants in rural and urban atmosphere
D. due to low concentration of air pollutants in rural and urban areas

D. due to low concentration of air pollutants in rural and urban areas

88. Inflammation of bronchi or bronchioles is known as:

A. Bronchitis
B. Pneumonia
C. Cough
D. Flu

A. Bronchitis

89. Bronchitis is a disease of which of the following organ?

A. blood
B. bladdar
C. liver
D. respiratory tract

D. respiratory tract

90. Bronchitis is caused by:

A. viruses, bacteria or exposure to chemical irritants (e.g. tobacco, smoke)
B. stale food
C. contaminated water
D. mosquito bite

A. viruses, bacteria or exposure to chemical irritants (e.g. tobacco, smoke)

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