Class 10th Biology MCQs Quiz 2 with Answers Gaseous Exchange

10th Class Chapter No.1
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 50

71. Lowering of diaphragm results in:

A. inspiration
B. expiration
C. digestion
D. excretion

A. inspiration

72. When you breathe out, what gas does the body get rid of?

A. when you breathe out your body gets rid of nitrogen gas
B. when you breathe out your body gets rid of CO2
C. when you breathe out your body gets rid of O2
D. when you breathe out your body gets rid of carbon monooxide gas

B. when you breathe out your body gets rid of CO2

73. How many phases involve in breathing?

A. two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

A. two

74. When you inhale, your lungs:

A. inflate
B. turn purple
C. deflate
D. disappear

A. inflate

75. After gaseous exchange in the lungs, impure air is expelled out in:

A. inhalation
B. inspiration
C. in take of O
D. exhalation

D. exhalation

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