12th Class BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.1 HOMEOSTASIS Quiz MCQs Test pdf | Download

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Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 01
Chapter Name :  HOMEOSTASIS
Total MCQ from Text Book :  174
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 12th ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 174
Total Time :  174 minutes



1 / 174

The animals that generate their own body heat through heat production as by-product during metabolism are called:

2 / 174

The excretory structures in Cockroach are adapted to collect excretory products or from

3 / 174

In contest of definition of excretion one of the followings is not considered as excretory organs.

4 / 174

Kidney stones are formed in metabolic disease:

5 / 174

The glomerular filtrate contains

6 / 174

Earthworm is the ideal example of tubular excretory system called.:

7 / 174

Osmoregulation is the regulation odf)wateraasPndartodluatdeids between:

8 / 174

The animals that do not require adjusting actively their internal osmotic state are termed

9 / 174

Urine leaves the.body, during urination, from the bladder through a tube called the:

10 / 174

Abdomen has a peritoneal cavity, lined by a thin epithelium called:

11 / 174

Freshwater protozoan Amoeba and Paramecium pump out excess water by

12 / 174

Collecting tubules open into: (LB-2007)

13 / 174

In animals assimilated carbohydrates and lipids are metabolized to

14 / 174

The ureters of both the kidneys drain into:

15 / 174

The arginine is split by arginase to form urea and the precursor:

16 / 174

The animals that maintain their temperature when exposed to changing air or water temperature are termed

17 / 174

Mammals, birds, some fishes and flying insects are:

18 / 174

Which of the following organ is called as excretophore i.e. contributinc mainly in the elimination of wastes in plants?

19 / 174

The pathogens and the blood cells produce chemicals called as:

20 / 174

The central station of metabolism and consequently the body's central metabolic clearing house is:

21 / 174

Fresh water protozoa, Amoeba and Paramecium pump out excess

22 / 174

There are two types of dialysis:

23 / 174

Fresh water flatworms excrete very dilute:

24 / 174

Animals excreting uric acid are called:

25 / 174

Most marine invertebrates are:

26 / 174

The high degree renal failure is called as:

27 / 174

Are successfully adapted to terrestrial mode of life?

28 / 174

Bats and humming bird are called:

29 / 174

Mammals including human Maintain their high body temperature within a narrow range of about:

30 / 174

Most cartilaginous fishes maintain lower internal salt concentration than that of:

31 / 174

In haemodialysis blood is circulated through a machine which contains a dialyzer, called

32 / 174

Most plants have adapted to survive in heat stress as the plants of temperate regions face the stress of:

33 / 174

Moderate water availability is the demand of:

34 / 174

Deamination leads to formation of:

35 / 174

Planaria, the flatworms, have simple tubular excretory system called: (MB-2006)

36 / 174

Tubular system is spread in Planarian through out the body and branches are capped by a cellular setup termed as:

37 / 174

The structural and functional relationship between nutritive and excretory systems exists in: (MB-2007)

38 / 174

The nephrons arranged along the cortex are called:

39 / 174

Animals, which on exposure to changing air or water temperature,maintain their body temperature are:

40 / 174

Bony fishes have adapted to drink large amount of sea's water and excrete concentrated

41 / 174

About 70% of all stone types, formed in kidney are

42 / 174

Some mammals possess brown fat, which is specialized for rapid production of:

43 / 174

The animals which produce metabolic heat at low level and absorb

44 / 174

Antidiuretric hormone (ADH) released from posterior pituitary act to actively transport water from filtrate to kidney's:

45 / 174

The metabolic wastes also include the toxins produced within the body and ingested into the body such as

46 / 174

Urea is produced from the metabolism of:

47 / 174

The animals that generate their own body heat through heat production as by-product during metabolism are called:

48 / 174

The components of a living control system are

49 / 174

Animals excreting ammonia are called,:

50 / 174

The mechanism that eliminates nitrogenous waste is referred as

51 / 174

The central cavity of the kidney is known as the:

52 / 174

The absorption of sodium in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle is controlled by a hormone called

53 / 174

The excretory products in plants are

54 / 174

Cartilaginous fishes retain trimethylamine oxide for protection against:

55 / 174

Urea is the principal excretory product and liver form it from the waste:

56 / 174

Drinking and eating moist foods compensate the loss of:

57 / 174

Water reabsorption through glomerular filtrate is regulated by

58 / 174

The basic structural and functional unit in the kidney is

59 / 174

Bowman capsule continues as extensively convoluted proximal tubule, loop of Henle and the distal tubule, which empties into:

60 / 174

The rise in urea causes complications of increase in:

61 / 174

The falling of yellow leaves in autumn is the seasonal time for the plants to get rid of accumulated wastes so leaves are said to be:

62 / 174

Incidence of calcium phosphate stone is

63 / 174

Production of sweat and sebum is related with

64 / 174

Hyperoxaluria i.e., higher blood level of oxalates is other contributing factor in the formation of calcium oxalate;

65 / 174

The destruction of nephrons particularly glomerular part leads to

66 / 174

Among vertebrates, uric acid is the chief nitrogenous waste in birds and:

67 / 174

The ability of an organism to regulate its fluid contents is called

68 / 174

Creatinine is produced from muscle

69 / 174

Many xerophytes possess small, thick leaves to limit, of loss:

70 / 174

The excretory structures in Cockroach are

71 / 174

Plants cells have large vacuoles; these can be used for:

72 / 174

The incidence of which types is 70% of all the kidney stones:

73 / 174

Marine mammals such as whales and sealS inhabit much colder water than their body temperature have a very thick layer of insulting fat called as:

74 / 174

The generation of wastes is primarily done at metabolic level and these are called:

75 / 174

The primary structure for eliminating waste products in man are:

76 / 174

Structural adaptations that help animals to regulate heat exchange with environment include which of the followings

77 / 174

Most susceptible components of internal environment that may be effected by fluctuations in external environments are: .

78 / 174

When there is more concentrated external environment than cell concentration it is termed as:

79 / 174

The evaporating cooling in the respiratory tracts of dogs is called

80 / 174

The reabsorption of water in collecting tubules is under control of

81 / 174

Pyrogens displace the set point of hypothalamus above the normal point of:

82 / 174

The elimination of wasteful metabolites, mainly of the nitrogenous nature is called as:

83 / 174

High level of circulating calcium in blood causes

84 / 174

The incidence of stones of uric acid is:

85 / 174

The increase water supply to the human body results in decrease secretion of the hormone

86 / 174

In each nephron inner end forms a cup-shaped swelling, called:

87 / 174

Urine leaves the kidney through a duct:

88 / 174

The incidence of stones of calcium phosphate is:

89 / 174

A pair of kidneys, consists of millions of functional units called:

90 / 174

The moving of the animal to an environment where heat exchange between these is minimal is

91 / 174

Many fresh water animals including fishes remove excess water by producing large volumes of very dilute:

92 / 174

The protection of Internal environment from the harms of fluctuations in external environment Is called

93 / 174

Most invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles are:

94 / 174

Arginase splits the arginine to form urea &:

95 / 174

The metabolic pathways involved in the production of urea are termed as:

96 / 174

The excretory product that requires maximum water for its elimination as compared to other: (MB-2006)

97 / 174

Panting, the evaporative cooling in the respiratory tract, is the other mechanism as represented in the:

98 / 174

Which are norneotherms:

99 / 174

Dialysis cleans the blood either by

100 / 174

Only 1n)1water.is required to eliminate 1g of nitrogen in the form of:

101 / 174

Mostly excess nitrogen is excreted by animals as;

102 / 174

Haemodialysis means:

103 / 174

In Planaria a simple tubular excretory system present called

104 / 174

Flame cells are part of excretory system of: (MB-2007)

105 / 174

The useful substances of glomerular filtrate are reabsorbed in the:

106 / 174

Hormones trigger the heat production as do thyroid hormones and are terrned as:

107 / 174

The reptiles and birds inhabit arid environment so excrete:

108 / 174

Plumage fluffing is an

109 / 174

In juxtamedullary nephrons additional capillaries extend down to

110 / 174

The rate .of heat production is increased by increased muscle contraction by movements or shivering so called as:

111 / 174

Among the vertebrates hagfishes are isotonic with the surrounding:

112 / 174

The arterioles that bring blood from renal artery to the Bowman's capsule are

113 / 174

All the collecting tubules of human kidney finally discharged into the

114 / 174

The tubular system of planarian is drained into. excretory ducts,which open to the exterior through several:

115 / 174

Liver helps synthesize:

116 / 174

In bacterial and viral infection, their occurs an increase in the number of...

117 / 174

The active uptake of sodium in the ascending limb or thick loop of Henle- is Promoted by the action of:

118 / 174

In restricted supply of water, the conservation of water is brought by concentration of filtrate by

119 / 174

An inverse effector's response to change in external environment is

120 / 174

The malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous wastes from the:

121 / 174

Malpighian tubules are excretory organs of: (LB-2006)

122 / 174

Ground squirrels move to burrows in midday:

123 / 174

Animals excreting urea are called:

124 / 174

In plants the wastes of organic and inorganic nature are stored in which of following parts

125 / 174

A kidney machine that works on the same principles as in the kidney for the removal of nitrogenous wastes and excess water from the blood is:

126 / 174

In humans the insulating material against heat loss is

127 / 174

One molecule of urea is formed in the liver from two molecules of ammonia and one of:

128 / 174

When external environment has more water or diluted solution compared to the cell concentration, it is designated as:

129 / 174

Excretion in plants refers to removal of

130 / 174

In viral and bacterial infections, by pathogens and leucocytes, the set point of hypothalamus is displaced these chemical are called:

131 / 174

The malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous waste from the:

132 / 174

The nephrons arranged along the border of cortex and medulla with their tubular system looping deep in inner medulla are:

133 / 174

Most land mammals respond to cold by raising their:

134 / 174

The animals in which body temperature tendS to fluctuate more or less as the air or water temperature change are:

135 / 174

About 500 ml water is needed to excrete 1 g of ammonia:

136 / 174

An environment that resembles to the internal solution is

137 / 174

Which plants have the adaptations to remove the flooding of its cells in fresh water:

138 / 174

Bats and humming birds are:

139 / 174

The only group of animals who eliminates excretory waste with faces is

140 / 174

The blood vessel in kidney, subdivides.again into another network of capillaries, the:

141 / 174

The protection of internal - environment from the harms of fluctuations in external environment is termed as:

142 / 174

When external solution resembles to internal solution, it is known as

143 / 174

Mammalian kidney including human is adapted to conserve water by over:

144 / 174

The tubular excretory system in Earthworm is

145 / 174

Plants respond to cold stress by increasing proportion of:

146 / 174

The evaporative loss of water leading to dehydration is the major problem for:

147 / 174

Body temperature regulation in humans, is based on complex homeostatic mechanisms facilitated by

148 / 174

Urine is collected in a central cavity of the kidney:

149 / 174

One of the followings is practices to remove nitrogenous wastes in patients suffering from chronic renal failure

150 / 174

Fever or high temperature helps in stimulating the protective

151 / 174

Ureters of both the kidneys drain into:

152 / 174

Terrestrial animals can tolerate dehydration and it differs in various animals. This characteristic is known as:

153 / 174

Lizards bask in sun to gain:

154 / 174

The mechanism of regulation, generally between organism and its environment, of solute and the gain and loss of water is:

155 / 174

The characteristic that helps terrestrial animals to tolerate dehydration is termed

156 / 174

Uric acid is produced from:

157 / 174

All invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles are

158 / 174

The animals which are capable of varying degrees of endothermic heat production but generally do not regulate their body temperature within a narrow range:

159 / 174

The portions distance regions in which the kidney is divided are:

160 / 174

The end products of haemoglobin breakdown and metabolites of

161 / 174

In the human liver ammonia and citrulline chemically combine together to form;

162 / 174

For non surgical removal of kidney stone is used:

163 / 174

Which of the following is waste product of both respiration in plants?

164 / 174

One of the following is isotonic with surrounding seawater

165 / 174

The muscles which control the urine in the urinary bladder is:

166 / 174

The ancestors of vertebrates are the;

167 / 174

The detoxified form of ammonia in urea cycle is

168 / 174

For evaporative cooling, bats use:

169 / 174

The cup — shaped inner end of each nephron of the human kidney is called

170 / 174

Bowman's capsule is around a ball of capillaries called:

171 / 174

Xerophytes have the adaptaticw for reduced ratdtof:

172 / 174

Higher blood level of oxalates is termed or as

173 / 174

The maintenance of internal temperature within a tolerable range is designated as:

174 / 174

Plants use evaporative cooling to manage with high: .

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