Biology 10th Class MCQs Online Quiz 2 pdf download Chapter 1

10th Class Chapter No.1
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
Best MCQs for Board Examination

Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 25

116. The risk of lung cancer is significantly lower in:

A. non smokers
B. smokers
C. addictors
D. passive smokers

A. non smokers

117. The primary goal in the prevention of lung cancer is:

A. eliminating tobacco smoking
B. spend money on tobacco advertisement
C. increases the numbers of tobacco shops
D. by giving tobacco shop license to every one

A. eliminating tobacco smoking

118. Which of the following cancer is responsible for more than 1.3 million deaths worldwide annually?

A. mouth cancer
B. skin cancer
C. stomach cancer
D. lung cancer

D. lung cancer

119. If person stops smoking, what will happen with his health?

A. his health will not improve
B. he will die
C. his health will deteriorate
D. chances to develop cancer decrease and damage lung is repaired

D. chances to develop cancer decrease and damage lung is repaired

120. Tobacco smoke contains:

A. over 4,000 poisonous chemicals and 50 carcinogens
B. over 3,004 poisonous chemicals and 40 carcinogens
C. over 2,000 poisonous chemicals and 30 carcinogens
D. over 1,000 poisonous chemicals and 20 carcinogens

A. over 4,000 poisonous chemicals and 50 carcinogens

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