Biology 10th Class MCQs Online Quiz 2 pdf download Chapter 1

10th Class Chapter No.1
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
Best MCQs for Board Examination

Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 25

106. Prior to the discovery of antibiotic:

A. one third of pneumonia patients died from infection.
B. two third of pneumonia patients died from infection
C. half of pneumonia patients died from infection
D. one fourth of pneumonia patients died from infection

A. one third of pneumonia patients died from infection.

107. How pneumonia can be treat?

A. with the help of addictive drugs
B. with the help of pain-killers
C. with operation
D. with the help of vaccines and antibiotics

D. with the help of vaccines and antibiotics

108. Asthma is:

A. a form of allergy, in which inflammation of bronchi, more mucous production and narrowing of the airways.
B. a form of infection, inflammation of bronchus and wider the airways
C. a form of infection, reduce mucous production, inflammation of alveoli
D. a form of infection, inflammation in oral cavity and narrowing the airways

A. a form of allergy, in which inflammation of bronchi, more mucous production and narrowing of the airways.

109. What are the allergens?

A. pneumonia causing factors
B. ulcers causing factors
C. allergy causing factors
D. infection causing factors

C. allergy causing factors

110. Major symptoms of asthma include:

A. high fever
B. throat infection
C. sore throat, sputum production
D. wheezing, chest tightness, cough and shortness of breath

D. wheezing, chest tightness, cough and shortness of breath

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