10th Class Biology MCQs Gaseous Exchange with Answers

10th Class Chapter No.1
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 50

46. Which vibrations and movements result in speech

A. Vibrations in vocal cords, movements of jaws, lips, checks and tongue
B. Vibration in larynx and, movement of legs and hands
C. Vibration in pharynx and movement of our joints
D. Vibration in voice box and movement of our jaws

A. Vibrations in vocal cords, movements of jaws, lips, checks and tongue

47. Which characteristic has put human beings superior to all?

A. speech
B. movement of organs
C. ability to get food
D. ability to produce themselves

A. speech

48. Larynx continues to the:

A. phaynx
B. lungs
C. trachea
D. bronchi

C. Trachea

49. What is the shape of the rings present in trachea?

A. C-shaped cartilagenous rings
B. B-shaped cartilagenous rings
C. D-shaped fibrous rings
D. U-shaped fibrous rings

A. C-shaped cartilagenous rings

50. Trachea is a long tube and its length is:

A. 12 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 8 cm
D. 20 cm

A. 12 cm

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