E Transfers 2023 in Schools, Govt. of the Punjab issued the Guideliness and Directions for Transfer and Posting of Teachers awaiting for Promotions and Adjustments. All Administrative Officer s and Teachers in all 36 Districts of Punjab are fully bound to follow these instructions. Regarding the E Transfer of Teachers , Malik Ghulam Farid Dy. Director Monitoring Chief Minister Monitoring Force issue a circular in Public Interest of Teachers.
School Education Department has issued schedule of E-Transfer round which is going to be started on 25.05.2023. Following guidelines/directions may please be noted in this concern:
- Awaiting posting officers teachers are directed to apply on SIS for their postings. In case of non-compliance, their intervening / awaiting period will be considered as leave of kind due instead of pay purpose. They are further directed to get themselves updated on SIS from the office of Director (Monitoring) SED before starting of E-Transfer round.
- The teachers deputed in Election duties will be bound to perform their Election Duties as per duty assigned by Election Commission of Pakistan as per previous place of postings. Concerned Head Teachers / DDO and CEO (DEA) will be responsible to comply with the direction for the same. In case of non-compliance. disciplinary proceedings will be initiated under PEEDA Act, 2006.
- All promoted teachers / officers are directed to choose maximum preferences for actualization of promotion on SIS. In case of failure, they will be posted / adjusted against those schools where dire need is required automatically through School Information System (SIS).
1. PSO to Secretary School Education Punjab, Lahore/ South Punjab.
2. PSO to Special Secretary, School Education.
3. Mr. Sajjad Qureshi, Joint Director PITB, Aria Tower, Lahore with e request to update the School Information System as per aforementioned directions / guidelines.
4. All CEO (DEAs) with the direction to communicate with lower formation as well as in social media groups for awareness of the teachers.
Dated Lahore 17th May 2023

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