12th Class Biology MCQs Ch.17 Coordination & Control MDCAT

MCQs Biology F.Sc. Part 2 ( 2nd Year )
Chapter No.17
Coordination and Control
Total MCQs = 219
All MCQs taken from Old MDCAT Tests

51. The brain stem is composed of:

(A) The spinal cord, axon, vertebra
(B) The cerebrum cerebellum, pons
(C) The medulla, pons, mid brain
(D) The thalamus, mid brain, pons

(C) The medulla, pons, mid brain

52. Nerve cells can send messages faster if they have:

(A) Many chromosomes
(B) Non-myelinated axons
(C) May dendrites
(D) Myelinated axon

(D) Myelinated axon

53. Which part of the brain is the seat of conscious activities?

(A) Limbic brain
(B) Brain stem
(C) Occipital
(D) Cerebral cortex

(C) Occipital

54. A large number of bundle fibers that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres is:

(A) Lateral sulcus
(B) Broca’s area
(C) Corpus callosum
(D) Ventral sulcus

(C) Corpus callosum

55. The diencephalon consists of:

(A) Thalamus and hypothalamus
(B) Pons and medulla
(C) Hypothalamus and limbic system
(D) Thalamus and limbic system

(D) Thalamus and limbic system

56. When your finger accidentally gets caught in a door, the pain message is sent to your brain through:

(A) Medulla oblongata
(B) Motor nerve
(C) Sensory receptors
(D) Caffeine

(C) Sensory receptors

57. Which of these is the large part of your brain?

(A) The cerebellum
(B) The cerebrum
(C) The medulla
(D) The pons

(B) The cerebrum

58. The division of the peripheral nervous system that regulates your heart beat:

(A) The somatic system
(B) The muscular system
(C) The autonomic system
(D) The skeletal system

(C) The autonomic system

59. The material in the brain and spinal cord which contains the axons and myelin sheathes of nerve cells is:

(A) White matter
(B) Gary matter
(C) Yellow matter
(D) None of these

(A) White matter

60. The material in the brain and spinal cord which contains the cell bodies and dendrite of nerve cells is?

(A) Gray matter
(B) White matter
(C) Brown matter
(D) Yellow matter

(A) Gray matter

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