12th Class Biology MCQs Ch.17 Coordination & Control MDCAT

MCQs Biology F.Sc. Part 2 ( 2nd Year )
Chapter No.17
Coordination and Control
Total MCQs = 219
All MCQs taken from Old MDCAT Tests

41. A reflex action involving one or more interneurons between sensory and motor neuron is termed as:

(A) Monosynaptic reflex
(B) Polysynaptic reflex
(C) Hemisynaptic reflex
(D) None of these

(B) Polysynaptic reflex

42. Which of the ions are most abundant on the inside and outside of the neuron at its resting potential?

(A) Potassium; sodium
(B) Sodium; potassium
(C) Calcium; phosphate
(D) Sulphate; potassium

(B) Sodium; potassium

43. When a neuron reaches at action potential, it depolarizes in:

(A) Second
(B) Millisecond
(C) Microsecond
(D) Nanosecond

(B) Millisecond

44. Nerve impulses always travel to the brain through fibers,

(A) Interneuron fibers
(B) Dendrite fibers
(C) Axon fibers
(D) Motor fibers

(C) Axon fibers

45. Which of these is true when a neuron is at rest?

(A) The outside is positive
(B) The outside is negative
(C) There is no voltage
(D) The inside is positive

(A) The outside is positive

46. The typical neuronal resting membrane potential measures between:

(A) -40 my to -80 mv
(B) -30 mv to -80 mv
(C) -40 mv to -90 mv
(D) -40 mv to -70 mv

(C) -40 mv to -90 mv

47. Influx of which ion causes depolarization of the membrane, as the first phase of the action potential?

(A) K+
(B) Na+
(C) K+ and Na+
(D) Ca+

(B) Na+

48. Diffused nervous system is present in which animal?

(A) Asymmetrical
(B) Bilaterally symmetrical
(C) Radially symmetrical
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)

(C) Radially symmetrical

49. Central nervous system is present in which animal?

(A) Asymmetrical
(B) Bilaterally symmetrical
(C) Radially symmetrical
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)

(B) Bilaterally symmetrical

50. How many interneurons does the CNS contain approximately?

(A) 1 trillion
(B) 100 trillion
(C) 1 million
(D) 100 billion

(D) 100 billion

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