9th Class Biology Chapter No.2 Solving a Biological Problem MCQs

9th Class MCQs Biology Chapter No.2 Solving a Biological Problem,BISE Bahawalpur,Lahore Board,Rawalpindi Board,Faisalabad Board,Matric Exam online Preparation,Quiz

Book Name : Biology
Class / Grade : 9th
Level  :  (Secondary)
Chapter No. : 02
Chapter Name : Solving a Biological Problem
Book Publisher : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore 2022-24
MCQ from Text Book  : 32
Exams conduct By: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Punjab
Note : All MCQs questions must be taken in Annual and Suplimentary Papers from these MCQs.


Class 9th - Biology Chapter No.02

1 / 32

In man Plasmodium multiplies in the:

2 / 32

When hypothesis has been proved by results of many experiments then it is called?

3 / 32

Which one of these is not a characteristics of hypothesis ?

4 / 32

The example of a biological law is:

5 / 32

Plasmodium completes its life cycle in:

6 / 32

At which Point a biologist most likely to use reasoning ?

7 / 32

In every proportion of two ratios are:

8 / 32

Major biological problems in which knowledge of mathematics is used include:

9 / 32

A hypothesis must be test able to be scientifically valid.Being testable means that ?

10 / 32

In order to find how does Plasmodium get in human blood, which scientist suggest hypothesis first?

11 / 32

The biological method has played an important part in scientific research for almost:

12 / 32

The validity of hypothesis is more supported if the following confirms hypothesis:

13 / 32

One species of plants grows best in place (A) as compared to place (B). To know the reasons biologist would name this as (a/an):

14 / 32

In sparrow Plasmodium multiplies in the:

15 / 32

Who confirmed that Plasmodium is transferred to man by mosquito?

16 / 32

What would be the Best experimental design for testing a hypothesis that bean plants require Sodium ?

17 / 32

When a theory is accepted universally by scientists, it is called?

18 / 32

The use of computational and statistical techniques for the analysis of biological data is called:

19 / 32

A gardener sees a large snakes nearby , He knows that generally snakes sting, so the gardener ran away.The gardener did which of the followings?

20 / 32

From the wall of stomach of mosquito Plasmodium migrates to:

21 / 32

In malaria, which one act as a vector?

22 / 32

A scientific theory has which of the following properties ?

23 / 32

Data is organized in different formats like:'

24 / 32

Which one of the following is a correct sequence in biological method ?

25 / 32

Malaria effects the functioning of:

26 / 32

Plasmodium completes its asexual reproduction in:

27 / 32

A ratio may be expressed by putting a sign of_________ between the two numbers.

28 / 32

A farmer was worried to notice that his potted plants kept under tree shade grew better than those exposed to bright sunlight. A biologist would consider. the above fact as a/an:

29 / 32

A single piece of information such as names, dates or values made from observations and experimentation is called:

30 / 32

A testable statement is (a/an):

31 / 32

An example of quantitative observation is:

32 / 32

In sparrows, PlasModium spreads through:

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