The Accountant General Punjab, Lahore vide its letter bearing No. Pension Coord/Anticipatory Pension/HM-2491, dated 13.01.2023 (Annex-A) has stated that while Provincial Government Departments and Accounting Offices have been actively engaged in improving timelines for finalization of -pension cases of government employees, still a significant number of pension cases are submitted to Accounting Offices with delay. The situation is evident from the fact that pension documents of about 40% retirees in Provincial Government Departments dealt by A.G Office had not been received in A.G Office by retirement date.

To address this situation and to safeguard retirees against financial distress due to delayed submission and finalization of pension cases, Federal Government and Provincial Governments, other than Punjab, have amended the necessary pension rules to enable automatic payment of Anticipatory Pension by A.G Office/ DAOs in respect of retirees whose pension cases have not been submitted to Accounting Offices immediately on their retirement.
2. The Accountant General Punjab, Lahore has further stated that according to Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules (Rule 6.1 to 6.7), when a Government servant is likely to ,retire before his I her pension can be finally assessed and sanctioned in accordance with rules,; the authority competent to sanction pension can sanction an Anticipatory Pension. However, this provision is generally not exercised and involves a process of application by the retiree, and approval by the respective Pension Sanctioning Authority.
3 The Accountant General Punjab, Lahore has further stated that in order to facilitate pensioners the Federal Government modified its relevant rules, and authorized AGPR to automatically disburse Anticipatory Pension to all retirees with incomplete pension cases, immediately after their retirement.
AGPR has thus been making provisional payment of Anticipatory Pension as per Finance Division’s directions vide NO.F.9(3)-Reg.6/2015, dated 13.01.2017(Annex-13) and amendment in Civil Service Regulations made vide S.R.O.1423(1)/2018, dated 15.11.2018 (Annex-C) for Article 922(3). Chief Secretaries of Other Provinces were also conveyed Finance Division amendments for adoption at their end. While other Provinces have adopted the anticipatory pension payment arrangement, Punjab Province has yet to do so.
Under the amended rules the Federal Government has authorized accounts offices to make payment of anticipatory pensions till finalization of formal pension, @65% on last basic pay, to the retiring employees having length of qualifying service as per accounts offices record. The Accountant General Punjab, Lahore has accordingly requested for making necessary amendments in the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules on the lines of Federal Government in order to authorize the Provincial Accounting Offices to automatically pay anticipatory pension to all retirees whose pension papers have not been finalized and submitted to A.G/DAOs.
4. The need has been felt to amend/update certain provisions of the rules ibid. Therefore, the following amendment is proposed:
Exiting Rules | Reason for Amendment | Proposed Amendment |
Rule 6.1 of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules provides as under (Annex-D):
“When a Government servant is likely to retire before his pension can be finally assessed and sanctioned in accordance with the rules, the authority competent to sanction pension may sanction an anticipatory pension equal to the full pension as calculated by pension sanctioning authority “ |
In order to facilitate and safeguard the retirees against financial distress due to delayed finalization of pension cases Rule 6.1 of Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules needs to be amended | The Accounts Offices in the Province may be authorized to disburse anticipatory pension to all retirees having incomplete pension cases immediately on their retirement on the analogy of Federal Government; and Rule 6 1 of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules (Annex-D) may be substituted accordingly as under:
“When a government servant is likely to retire before his pension can be finally assessed and sanctioned in accordance with the rules Accounts Offices are authorized to make anticipatory monthly pension @65% of basic pay as per his last pay drawn and having length of qualifying service available as per Accounts Offices record for a period of one year After expiry of the stipulated period of one year, anticipatory pension allowed to such a retiree shall be discontinued The Pension Sanctioning Authority shall be responsible to complete pension papers of such retirees within a period of six months from the date of retirement.” |
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