Mst. Shamim Akhtar Sial District Education Officer (W-EE / BS-19) assigned the additional duty of CEO DEA Multan with immediate effect. The Post of Chief Executive officer (DEA) Multan was vacant. Mst. Shamim Akhtar Sial will perform this duty with addition of their own duties for the period of three months. or She will perform these responsibilities till arrival of new incumbent which is earlier.

CEO DEA Sargodha
Secretary School education Punjab give the additional Charge to Mr. Syed Ehtisham Ul Haq Hamdani. Mr. Syed Ehtisham Ul Haq Hamdani now a days working as DEO (M-EE/BS-19) District Sargodha. Now he also assume the Additional Charge of Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Sargodha.
Suspension of Ex. CEO DEA Sargodha
This post was vacant but to suspension orders of Mr. Akhtar Abbas Khan on his poor performance and weak administration. He was suspended during the visit of Minister for Education Punjab Mr. Mansoor Qadir.
NO.SO(SE-I)1-124/2022: Syed Ehtisham ul Haq Hamdani, District Education Officer (h1-EE/BS-19), District Sargodha is hereby assigned the additional charge of the post of Chief Executive Officer (DEA), District Sargodha, in addition to his own duties for a period of three months or till the arrival of a regular incumbent whichever is earlier.
2. Mst, Shamim Akhtar Sial, District Education Officer (W-EE/BS-19), District Multan is hereby assigned the additional charge of the post of Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Multan, in addition to her own duties for a period of three months or till the arrival of a regular incumbent whichever is earlier.
A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to the:-
1. Director Public Instruction (SE/EE), Punjab, Lahore.
2. Deputy Commissioner, concerned.
3. Acting Chief Executive Officer (DEA), concerned.
4. District Education Officer (SE/EE-M/EE-W), concerned.
5. District Accounts Officer, concerned.
6. Director Monitoring, CMMF, School Education Department.
7. PS to Secretary & Special Secretary, School Education Department.
8. PS/PA to Additional Secretary (Schools)/ DEA/ B&P.
9. PA to Deputy Secretary (SE), School Education Department.
10. Officers concerned.
11. Order file / Personal files.
Govt. of the Punjab