Biology MCQs 2nd Year Support and Movements Ch 16 MDCAT

MCQs Biology F.Sc. Part 2 ( 2nd Year )
Chapter No.16
Support and Movements
Total MCQs = 165

31. Humerus forms a ball and socket joint with:

(A) Clavicle
(B) Sternum
(C) Innominate
(D) Scapula

(D) Scapula

32. The bones of lower arm are:

(A) Tibia and fibula
(B) Radius and ulna
(C) Carpals and metacarpals
(D) Phalanges

(B) Radius and ulna

33. Which one of these makes bones hard?

(A) Carbohydrates
(B) Minerals
(C) Proteins
(D) Fats

(B) Minerals

34. Which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton?

(A) Sternum
(B) Vertebrae
(C) Femur
(D) Skull

(C) Femur

35. In human back bone the caudal vertebrae are reduced to 4 in number and are fused to form the:

(A) Sacnim
(B) Innominatuni
(C) Coccyx
(D) lschium

(C) Coccyx

36. Bones are joined to each other at joints by:

(A) Tendons
(B) Ligaments
(C) Hyaline cartilage
(D) Both (A) and (B)

(B) Ligaments

37. Muscles are attached to bones by:

(A) Tendons
(B) Ligaments
(C) Synovial membrane
(D) Both (A) and (B)

(A) Tendons

38. The joint that allows the skull to rotate on our spine is called:

(A) Hinge joint
(B) Fibrous joint
(C) Sliding joint
(D) Pivotal joint

(D) Pivotal joint

39. The intervertebral disks which absorb shock and assist in limited movement of disks:

(A) Collagen fibers
(B) Osieonectin Protein
(C) Cartilage
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)

(C) Cartilage

40. The curve in the neck it’s composed of seven vertebrae and is known as the:

(A) Lumbar region
(B) Sacral region
(C) Coccygeal region
(D) Cervical region

(D) Cervical region

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