New Vision for Teacher Development
Cognizant of the various shortcomings of the previous approach to teacher development, as shown in the preceding section, DSD has developed a conceptual framework for continuous professional development of teachers, which involves a major paradigm shift in teacher development. Child learning is placed at the heart of the CPD framework. The current approach of DSD broadens the scope of teacher development from mere ‘teacher training’ to ‘continuous professional development for quality learning.
The guiding principle of this new approach is the effective teacher development that must be need-based, school-based and practice-based and that must be combined with classroom-based follow-up, mentoring, pedagogical support and supervision. This approach also uses mentors and mentoring as a means of providing follow-up support to the teachers through mentoring system. The framework is grounded on the most recent thinking am: research on teacher development. The vision acknowledges that if the policy objective o= improving educational quality is to be attained, it should start at the point where learning occurs – the classroom, and be a continuous process.
Concept of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
“Continuing Professional Development” is a long-term process involving opportunities and experiences, planned and organized systematically to promote the professional development of teachers both individually and collectively so as to enhance the quality of child learning.
Components of CPD
CPD framework presents the following seven functions which are called its components.
- Planning
- Monitoring
- Mentoring
- Assessment
- training Management
- Coordination
- Reporting
The above said functions of CPD may be grouped as:
- On-the-Job assessment and mentoring of the Primary School Teachers through TEs an:
- In-service training of all teachers through a far-reaching network of 36 DTSCs (Distric Training and Support Centres) and 1989 CTSCs (Cluster Training and Support Centres)
Assessment in CPD
This initiative is a part of continuous professional support for teachers through continuous mentoring. Main aim is to record student’s monthly academic achievements.
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