Non Salary Budget New Forms for Consumption of Purchase Items in Schools
Lahore (Online) Government of the Punjab issued the New Forms for data record consumed in schools. Government issue five different forms for this purpose. All Headmasters and Senior Headmaster must used these forms to maintained the record of NSB which/If they consumed in Schools.
Following Forms are Issued by Government of the Punjab.
Forms A: This form is used for maintained record of Detail Consumed Stationary (Paper Pen Pencil Ball Point)
Forms B: This form is used for Ice which purchase in schools during the usage of NSB.
Form C : This form is used for record of Coal consumed during the winter days.
Form D : This form is used for maintained record of Soap, Phenol , Other Stores and Stores .
Form E : This form is used to maintained the Detail of Repair Furniture Machinery and Electric Wiring in Schools.