10th Class MCQs Physics Current Electricity

PHYSICS – Grade 10 MCQs
Chapter Name :  Current Electricity

Chapter No. 5
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s)

Book Name :  Physics
Chapter No. 5
Chapter Name : Current Electricity
Book Version  : New book Printed in 2024
Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ / Fill in the Blanks / Short Answers
Exam Conduct By : Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Punjab
Grade / Class : 10th (Matriculation)
Total MCQ from Text Book : 65
Total Marks : 65
Total Time :  65 minutes


Physics Class 10th Chapter No 5 Current Electricity

1 / 65

The electric power enter in our house through....

2 / 65

The potential difference between the live wire and neutral wire is;

3 / 65

A source of e.m.f is;

4 / 65

In bulb current is transformed into;

5 / 65

Due to flow of charges, produces;

6 / 65

In series combination of resistors, the current passing through each resistor is;

7 / 65

Materials that obey Ohm's law and hence have a constant resistance over a wide range of voltages are;

8 / 65

When we double the voltage in a simple electric circuit we double the

9 / 65

They are good conductors of electricity and offer less resistance.

10 / 65

Which voltage is fatal?

11 / 65

Which runs generator to produce electrical energy?

12 / 65

Which statement is incorrect for resistors connected in series?

13 / 65

The Current arrived from cell or battery is ?

14 / 65

What is the power rating of a lamp connected to a 12V source when it carries 2.5A?

15 / 65

The SI unit of resistance is ohm denoted by;

16 / 65

Power of washing machine is;

17 / 65

Which statement is correct for the resistance?

18 / 65

If we double both the current and voltage in a circuit while keeping its resistance constant the power

19 / 65

Which very sensitive instrument can detect small current in a circuit?

20 / 65

Watt is unit of electric power which is equal to

21 / 65

Most of the electric charge around us is bound in...

22 / 65

In house wiring all appliances are connected with each other;

23 / 65

Which is the source of current?

24 / 65

The potential difference across a circuit component can be measured by;

25 / 65

What is the voltage across a 6Ω resistor when 3A current passes through it?

26 / 65

The current changes direction after equal intervals of time is;

27 / 65

Power of electric stove is;

28 / 65

After suitable modification galvanometer can be converted into;

29 / 65

SI unit of current is;

30 / 65

Electric potential and e.m.f

31 / 65

Example of insulator is;

32 / 65

The amount of energy delivered by a power of one kilowatt in one hour is called;

33 / 65

Which disconnect the supply automatically if current exceeds the normal value?

34 / 65

According to Ohm's law;

35 / 65

The time interval after which the a.c. voltage or current repeats its value is known as its;

36 / 65

As the charges move around the circuit the electrical potential energy;

37 / 65

In equation V = IR the constant of proportionality and resistance of conductors is;

38 / 65

The rate of flow of electric charge through any cross-sectional area is;

39 / 65

Why should be household appliances be connected in parallel with the voltage source?

40 / 65

Which device is connected in series with the live wire in the circuit to protect the equipments when excess, current flows?

41 / 65

Materials having resistance that changes with voltage or current are;

42 / 65

In Pakistan, alternating current oscillates every second

43 / 65

Conventional current flow from;

44 / 65

Dry human skin has a resistance of;

45 / 65

The amount of energy supplied by current in unit time is known as

46 / 65

If V = 1 volt and I = 1 ampere then the value of R is;

47 / 65

Potential energy per unit charge is;

48 / 65

Which statement is correct about voltmeter?

49 / 65

What happens to the intensity or brightness of the lamps connected in series as more and more lamps are added

50 / 65

Which provides a safe route for the current to flow through, if the live wire touches the metal casing.

51 / 65

The property of a substance which offers opposition to the flow of current through it is;

52 / 65

SI unit of potential difference is;

53 / 65

The wire is maintained at zero potential is;

54 / 65

Which wire have smaller resistance?

55 / 65

The unit of e.m.f. which is equal to volt in SI system is;

56 / 65

The conduction of current is only due to movement of free;

57 / 65

Which equation is correct for Ohm's law?

58 / 65

Ampere of current that passes through the bulb consumes energy;

59 / 65

An electric current in conductors is due to the flow of

60 / 65

Fan converts electrical energy into;

61 / 65

The combined resistance of two identical resistors connected in series is 8Ω.Their combined resistance in a parallel arrangement will be

62 / 65

In metals the current is produced due to flow of;

63 / 65

In parallel combination of resistors which statement is incorrect?

64 / 65

In a dry cell which energy changes into electrical energy?

65 / 65

A pipe offers less resistance to water flow is it.

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The average score is 46%


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