Statistics MCQs Paper 12th Class Annual 2023 Objective New Course Paper 2023 Group 2nd Bahawalpur Board, Past Papers Group 2nd, First Annual Examination 2023 Solved Questions with Answers download Pdf Bahawalpur Board.
First Year Statistics MCQs Question Paper Group First Annual 2023 conducted in Bahawalpur Board in District Rahimyarkhan, Bahawalnagar and Bahawalpur. This Statistics Multiple Choice Question paper was given by students enrolled in Session 2020-2022, 2021-2023, 2022-24.
Very Important Multiple Choice Questions of Statistics 1st Year are here which are part of Annual Examination 2023. Mostly MCQs are too much important for PPSC Exam.
This 11th Class Statistics MCQs paper Bahawalpur Board was given by students enrolled in Session 2020-2022, 2021-2023, 2022-24.
Students must visit our website for Paper Pattern newly upgraded and Time Management during the Paper inside Examination Hall.
12th Class Statistics MCQs Paper Annual 2023 ( Evening )
BISE Bahawalpur Board

1st Year ( Inter Part 1)
Group 1st (Morning)
First Annual 2023
Time 20 Minutes
Objective Total Marks : 17
Note; Four possible choices A, B, C, D to each question are given. Which choice is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number .Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
1. Ina a Normal Distribution µ = 20 and σ2 = 49 then Mode is:
(A) 20
(B) 49
(C) 7
(D) √ 20
2. If X ~ N ( 50 , 100 ) , then σ = :
(A) 100
(B) 10
(C) 50
(D) √15
3. In a Normal Distribution σ2 = 5 ,then µ4 :
(A) 25
(B) 75
(C) 15
(D) √5
4.The collection of Information from a part of Population is called :
(A) Sample Survey
(B) Census
(C) Complete Enumeration
(D) Sample
5. If E ( T ) = θ , then Estimator T is :
(A) Unbiased
(B) Biased
(C) Positively Unbiased
(D) Negatively Unbiased
6. If ‘ T ‘ be the Sample Statistic and ‘ θ ‘ be the Parameter then Bias =
(A) T – θ
(B) θ – T
(C) E ( T ) – θ
(D) θ – E ( T )
7. A value calculated from Sample is called
(A) Statistic
(B) Parameter
(C) Sampling Error
(D) Bias
8. The Level of Confidence is denoted by :
(A) 1 – β
(B) 1 – α
(C) α
(D) β
9. In Regression Analysis byx , bxy and Sxy has always :
(A) Same Signs
(B) Opposite Signs
(C) No Signs
(D) None of these
10. The value of Correlation Coefficient is always in the Range :
(A) 0 to + 1
(B) -1 to + 1
(C) -1 to 0
(D) – 2 to + 2
11. Which of them can not be Null Hypothesis
(A) θ ≥ θo
(B) θ ≤ θo
(C) θ = θo
(D) θ ≠ θo
12. If rxy = – 0.84 , if U = – 2x and V = 4y then ruv =
(A) – 0.84
(B) 0 . 84
(C) – 0.48
(D) 0.48
13. Irregular Movements are
(A) Signal
(B) Noise
(C) Systematic Component
(D) Secular Trend
14. The Systematic Component of Variation in Time Series is called
(A) Signal
(B) Noise
(C) Erratic
(D) Random
15. Yule’s Coefficient of Association lies between
(A) 0 to + 1
(B) -1 to + 1
(C) -1 to 0
(D) – 2 to + 2
16. The value of Rank Correlation Coefficient lies between
(A) 0 to + 1
(B) – 1 to 0
(C) – 1 to + 1
(D) 0 to ∞
17. The Computer Programs in general are called
(A) Software
(B) Hardware
12th Class Statistics Group 2nd New Course MCQs Paper 2nd Annual Examination 2023 Group Second BISE Bahawalpur

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