Key Points , Features in Financial Assistance Package for the Families of Employees who die in Service
- Only regular Employees working in Government department / /division are eligible for the Financial Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees who die in service.
- Before this Contract employees was also eligible for Financial Assistance rather than he was die on same joining day on Contract.
- Prime Minister remove / replace the word “Contract Employee” with Regular Employees in all letters issued regarding the Financial Assistance Package.
- For Regularization, If any employee fail in Aptitude / Skill Test for a specific Post up to BS-15 , The Opportunity of regular Appointment given to next lower posts.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this division O.M. No. 7/40/2005-E.2 dated 13-06-2006 and O.M. 8-10-2013-E-2 dated 04-12-2015 on the above noted subject and to state the Prime Minister has been pleased to approve following amendment / addition under the Item “Employment”.
Mr. Shahbaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan make Amendment in Financial Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees who die during service, According to this amendment,
1. The Provision of “Contract Appointment” under PMAP-2015 is replaced with “Regular Appointment” with immediate effect, in accordance with Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973, except the Condition of advertisement which has already been relaxed by the Prime Minister.
2. In Case of regular Appointment under PMAP-2015, if the applicant fails to pass the aptitude Test required for a specific post up to BS-15 under Civil Servants, (APT) Rules, 1973 the Opportunity of Regular Appointment shall be extended to next lower posts.
2. The Prime Minster has further has been replaced to approve that the Services of Contract Employees appointed under PMAP-2006 and PMAP-2015, who are still working under the existing Contract, Shall be regularized with immediate effect, as one time dispensation.
3. All Ministries are requested to ensure circulation of the above mention amendment / Addition to their attached departments and sub-ordinate offices under their administrative control for implementation in letter and Spirit.