Chemistry Chapter No.1 Basic Concepts 1st Year Online MCQs

Chemistry MCQs 1st Year Chapter No.1 Basic Concepts, FSc, First Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Question Answers Notes in Pdf, Old Board Papers reference with Each Question, All Queries accommodated within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

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1st Year CHEMISTRY notes and MCQs are according to latest Paper Pattern of Punjab Boards, All Exercises in Textbooks are solved to ensure the Quality Education to Medical College Students. All MCQs are according to UHS (University of Health Sciences) Lahore approved Syllabus.

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Book Name :  Chemistry
Chapter No. 01
Chapter Name : Basic Concepts 
Total MCQ from Text Book :  66
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 66
Total Time :   66 minutes



1 / 66

The mass of glucose which contains 6.02 x 1022 molecules:

2 / 66

1 mole of CH4 contains

3 / 66

The number of atoms in 4.25g of NH3 is approximately:

4 / 66

When we compare one mole each of 02 and H2, then we observe:

5 / 66

The largest number of molecules-are present in:

6 / 66

The highest percentage of oxygen by weight is present in :

7 / 66

The mass of Aluminium in 51 g of Al203 is:

8 / 66

Silver has number of isotopes:

9 / 66

In a mass spectrum, the height of the peak explains:

10 / 66

Number of moles of water present in 90 g of water are:

11 / 66

"Isotopy" was discovered first of all by:

12 / 66

The percentage of Sodium

13 / 66

Which of the following leads to the formation of compound?

14 / 66

Which of the following does not have same empirical and molecular formula?

15 / 66

Mass of Sodium in 53g of Na2CO3 is:

16 / 66

Total number of electrons present in 20g of CaCO3:

17 / 66

Which one is the empirical formula of a compound?

18 / 66

Mass spectrometer separates different positive isotopic ions on the basis of their:

19 / 66

22414 cm3 of an ideal gas is equal to:

20 / 66

Gold has number of isotopes:

21 / 66

112 g iron reacts with steam to produce H2 and Fe(OH)2 Amount of H2 produced in this reaction

Fe+2H2O ------> Fe(OH)2 + H2

22 / 66

One amu is equal to

23 / 66

How many grams of water will be formed when 16g Hydrogen reacts with 32g oxygen?

24 / 66

Gold, Arsenic, Fluorine and Iodine are:

25 / 66

Palladium has no of isotopes:

26 / 66

27g of al will react completely with how much mass of O2 to produce AlO2O3

27 / 66

The number of molecules present in 3g of water is:

28 / 66

Which is a different cation?

29 / 66

Isotopes donot differ in:

30 / 66

How many peaks would appear in mass spectrograph when we run C-12:

31 / 66

The number of moles of CO2 containing 8g of oxygen:

32 / 66

Isotopes differ in:

33 / 66

1 g ions of CO-23 weighs:

34 / 66

Which of the following sample of CO2 has least number of molecules?

35 / 66

The total number of atoms in 64 g of sulphur dioxide is:

36 / 66

8g of 02 reacts with 8g I-12, the mass of H2O formed is:

37 / 66

A limiting reactant is the one which:

38 / 66

The number of moles of CO2 which contain 8 g of oxygen:

39 / 66

The highest number of molecules are present in:

40 / 66

Which one is a molecular ion?

41 / 66

16g of H2 reacts with 16g of 02. The mass of H2O formed is:

42 / 66

1.5 mol of 02 combines with Mg to form MgO. The mass of Mg (atomic mass 24) that has combined is:

43 / 66

Out of 280 isotopes that occur in nature, number of isotopes with even mass number and even atomic number:

44 / 66

What is the maximum mass of Cr that can be extracted from 76 g of Cr203? (Retative mass of Cr.= 52)

45 / 66

A ring contains 1.2 g of diamond. No. of carbon atoms in this diamond is:

46 / 66

CO+ is an example of:

47 / 66

Which of the following statement is not true?

48 / 66

Fluorine atom and fluoride ions:

49 / 66

Percentage yield is the ratio

50 / 66

The volume occupied by 1.4 g of N2 at S.T.P. is:

51 / 66

Haemoglobin is:

52 / 66

Maximum number of atoms are present in:

53 / 66

The mass of one mole of electron is:

54 / 66

Point out set of specie which are iso-electronic?

55 / 66

The radius of atoms are in the range:

56 / 66

The volume of 2.2g of CO2 at STP is:

57 / 66

Formation of uninegative ion is:

58 / 66

Tin (element) has number of isotopes:

59 / 66

The diameter of, atoms are in the order, according to X-ray work:

60 / 66

Number of atoms present in 1 mole of NaOH:

61 / 66

Which of the following is approximately 3400 times lighter than haemoglobin molecule?

62 / 66

One mole of SO2 contains:

63 / 66

The volume occupied by 1.6 g of 02 at STP:

64 / 66

It is not a molecular ion:

65 / 66

In combustion analysis, the weight of CO2 absot a Pr is increased due to formation of:

66 / 66

Many elements have fractional atomic masses. This is because:

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The average score is 31%


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