- Complete school should be white washed and painted.
- Main gate and gate pillars of the school should be freshly painted.
- School name board should be freshly painted.
- There shouldn’t be any posters or advertisement on the school walls.
- All windows and doors should be repaired and freshly painted/polished. Glasses, locks, handles and wire gauze of the windows should be repaired.
- Toilets should be repaired and made functional.
- Toilet seats shouldn’t be broken.
- Commodes should not be broken.
- Doors and locks of the toilets should be installed. Repaired and functional.
- There should be running water available in the toilets.
- All school furniture should be repaired. And there shouldn’t be any broken furniture dumped anywhere in the school.
- Stores should be cleaned and all items placed in a neat manner with item tags.
- All computers should be functional in the computer labs (where available).
- Computer teacher should be holding classes in the computer labs for Practical.
- Science ( Physics , Chemistry and Biology ) Labs wherever available must be used by students once in week for Practical work in supervision of Teacher.
- Emergency numbers should be displayed at appropriate places as directed earlier.
- CCTV cameras and the control room should be functional. The teacher or official in charge of the control room should be able to brief on the coverage of cameras along with about arrangements made for emergency announcement.
- Armed security guards, where ever recruited, should be dressed in uniform and holding a functional weapon, as per directions by the Home Department.
- Metal detectors should be functional.
- All school staff should be present during the school timings and appropriate registers maintained.
- Head teacher should know well about the STR, and no complaints about lack of facilities. All Teachers / Staff should be made during visit of senior officers.
- All minor repairs in the schools should be made well in advance.
- Flowers, flower pots, trees and grass should be trimmed and well kept.
- There shouldn’t be any stagnant or pool water within the school.
- Every student should have free text books provided by the government.
- All classrooms should have necessary blackboards /Whiteboard and basic teaching material.
- All electrical equipment should be repaired, cleaned and functional.
- All schools to purchase a simple water cooler, in case electrical cooler is not affordable and place it at a secured, clean place.
- Head teacher should be properly dressed and well conversant with government’s policies interventions.
- Where ever ECE room has been provided, should be well maintained and all items provided should be in good condition and use daily basis.
- Head teacher should know the utilization of the NSB and must have a school plan to utilize the amount for the ongoing year.
- Where ever play grounds are available, they should be maintained and used extensively for sports.
- Anti-dengue measures should be implemented in letter and spirit
- Science labs where ever available, should be clean and well stocked.
- Anti-Dengue posters / Panaflux display in Schools.
- Teachers Diary should be completed.
- Student Diary given to students on daily basis and signed by subject teacher. Class incharge must put counter sign.
- Home work given to students on daily basis and marked / Checked by Teachers.