Education News and MCQs

Promotion Criteria From PST to EST in Punjab School Education Department

School Education Department , Government Of the Punjab notify the Promotion Policy for Promotion of PST Teachers working in Govt. Schools. PST Teachers Promotion Policy is defined and very Clear. Government of the Punjab wants to give Promotion to PST and EST Teachers Twisely a Year. Very Strict letter from Secretary School Punjab issued in Month of June 2022.

  1. POST: EST (Math) BS-15 :
    I. B.Sc (Second Division) in Math A & B Course and Physics from a recognized University.
    II. M.Ed, MA (Education) or B.Ed (Second Division) from a recognized University.
  2. Post : EST (Science) BS-15 :
    I. B.Sc (Second Division) In Zoology, Botany or Chemistry from a recognized University.
    II. M.Ed, MA (Education) or B.Ed (Second Division) from a recognized University.
  3. EST (English) BS-15 :

    MA in English from a recognized University:
    BA in English 200 marks and English literature 200 marks from a recognized University:
    iii. M.Ed, MA (Education) or M.Ed (Second Division) from a recognized University.
  4.  EST (Urdu) BS-15 :

    I. MA (Second Division) In Urdu from a recognized University: and
    II. Mid, MA (Education) or B.Ed (Second Division) from a recognized University.
  5. EST (General) BS-15 :

    M.Sc or MA in Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, Geography or History and others:
    II. M.Ed, MA (Education) or B.Ed (Second Division) from a recognized University:
    III. BS.Ed, ADE (three years) or Bid (lions) (four years degree) (Second Division) from a Recognized University.
  6. EST (Vernacular) BS-15 :
    I. Master’s degree (Second Division) in Urdu or English with M.Ed, MA (Education) or B.Ed (Second Division) form a recognized University:
    II. BA (Second Division) in English 200 marks and English Literature 200 marks with M.Ed, MA (Education) or B.Ed (Second Division) from a recognized University:  Or
    ADE (three years) or B.Ed (lions) (four years) (Second Division) from a recognized University.

Promotion Criteria From PST to EST In Punjab School Education Department

Lahore :

Promotion criteria from pst to est in punjab school education department

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