Ideal Ideas and Tips to Improve School Security and Safety
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Improve School Security
A Poor security arrangement can badly affect the lives of students, teachers, staff inside the Schools. This may be very dangerous for lives present in the School, but can also affect the learning quality of Students. Schools always need the Peaceful environment for Healthy teaching. It is the key responsibility of Manager / Headmaster / administration’s to protect the students and staff.
How can we increase the school security? There is a lot of answers against this question. Lets suppose after implementing these general ideas, which have successfully made across Pakistan and World.
Appoint a Security Guard
It is the Key responsibility of School Head they must managed the Security system of School. If School don’t have the Chokidar / Security Guard than he will assign the duty to any other employee Class-4 / Baildar / Naib Qasid / Security Guard / LA. But School Head is responsible to maintain the Security of Schools.
Security Committee in the Schools
School Head / Administration of School Make the Security Committee constitute the maximum members. But preferably select those members which have the resident nearest to Schools. The Staff member which resides nearest to school must be select first. Than the others after checking the distance from Schools.
These members randomly visit the School in Evening time, On Sundays and in Night Time to Check the Person which were appointed for School Security Purpose.
If they does not found the School Security Person on duty than they will report in written to Head Teacher /Administration which will forward immediately to District Education Officers to relevant District.
Provide Torch to Security Guard
In Pakistan the Load Shedding on its Peak. So School Head must provide the Battery / Torch for Night time Duty Person. He must use it only school Security Purposes.
Secure the Perimeters of School
To Increase the Security of Schools, Administration must ensure the Surrounding of Schools. Administration of School must verify the security of Students drop out Zones on Opening of Schools.
Secure the Parking areas, Gates and Fences to maximize the Security measures including loading and unloading areas of Students.
A School Guard or Security Guard must monitor the School Parking areas. Surveillance must monitor the School Parking 24/7. Designate the staff members at different areas of School. If Any staff members can not cooperate regarding this critical issue than send written report to District Education Office relevant to your school.
Arrange Search Lights inside the School
For night security, install the Search lights which cover the School. In the whole world, Pakistan is only the Country where Electricity Load shedding on its peak. So arrange alternate Search lights in form of Batteries provide to designated person like Chokidar/Security Guard/Naib Qasid/ Baildar/ Class-4 / LA / School Guard.
Arrange Search Lights on Boundary Wall
School administration must arrange the search lights to cover the Boundary Walls of Schools. Monitor and supervise student common areas such as hallways, cafeterias, and playgrounds. If possible, add video surveillance in these areas to record anything a monitoring person may miss.
Barber Wire on Walls
If School Administration have budget provide by Provincial Government than they must install the Baber wires on Boundary Walls. In rest of Countries, States provide the Maximum budget to Schools to save the live of Students and Teachers.
CCTV Cameras with recording and Online
It’s the very important for Securities measure of Schools. Securities Cameras must install in the Schools. These CCTV Cameras must have ability to see in Night time. Simply Cameras must have IR Quality. Recording of all these Cameras must save and Secure Place. These Cameras should online on Mobile of Headmaster with Security Alarm and SMS facility 24/7. The Cost of Security Alarm Alert is much cheaper than other costs. Install the VMS ( Video Management Software ).
Limit and Monitors Access
Reduce the entrance Gates in School building. To Optimize the Security, Try to establish only one main entrance for all Staff, Students and Visitors. If School have more than one Entrance than must Lock all Doors and gates as soon as possible. Give limited access to all Visitors in the School. Manage a room near to Main Gate like Principal Office.
Ensure the High Quality Locks to Each Room
School Head is responsible to Purchase high Quality Locks for all Doors and Class Rooms.
Special Doors and Locks Special Rooms
In Pakistan and Other Countries, Each School have some Special Rooms where precious things are saved like Computer Lab, ECE Room, Science Lab and Record Room. For these Rooms arrange Double Steel Doors with more than one high Quality Locks.
Manage Visitors Register
All School Heads manage Visitors register at main gate during School Hours. No Visitors allowed to enter in schools premises for any work during first 4 hours of School. After this allowed Parents for admission and other works but after verification of Original National Identity Card issued by State Department. Visitors must give Original CNIC at Gate to Security Guard , Security Guard is responsible to enter complete data of Visitor in Visitor Register including Mobile Number ( But Mobile Number Must verify by Security Guard on spot). Security Guard must give miscall to that visitors.
Monitor the Schools
During School hours, Head Teacher must watch and Monitor the whole School. He must visit each Corner of school personally again and again. Many Heads make Committees for each and every Purpose of School. So it’s very dangerous for Security of School.
Class Room Security
During any mishap inside the Schools, All Class rooms have the internal Lock System. This lock system help to improve the Security and Safety of Students in the Classes. To increase Security of Class rooms a CCTV Camera must install inside the Class room.
Two Way Communication
Inside the School, all classrooms must have the microphone and Speakers. These Microphone and Speakers must Connected with Security room. This Communication system connect all staff Members , Administration and Security Guards. Panic Button must available more than one place with very high Quality alarm system. All staff and students know the use of these Panic Buttons.
Professional Training of all Class-4
In all Schools, Government Should arranged the special training of all class-4 employees like baildar / Naib Qasid / Security Guard / School Guard / Chokidar / LA etc. All These Trainings must be given on District level and at district Headquarter of Police Department once in a Year. Two Teachers from Each school also take the Security Training once in a Year. Chief Executive Officer is responsible to coordinate with relevant departments to manage the Trainings.
Specialized Teams of Police Department conduct the Training regarding Threat and risk assessment. In these Trainings improve the awareness of Students and Staff regarding Protection against assaults, Bullying, robbery, Theft, Fights, Weapon use and Sexual attacks.
Review Security Arrangements
All School Heads, must review the security arrangements with the relevant departments and Staff.
Regular Practices in School
Following Security Practices in a Schools must do practically once in 3 months.
- School Doors Lockdown
- Practice of Fire Drill
- Disaster Drill
- Use of First Aids Medical Kit
- Practice of School Staff for Security Procedure
- Involve Parents in School Safety of Schools