Biology Chapter No. 4 Reproduction 2nd Year Online MCQs

Biology MCQs 2nd Year Chapter No. 4 Reproduction, FSc, Grade 12th, Second Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Questions Answers Quiz Notes in Pdf Download, All Old Board Papers included, All Queries reply within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

Chapter No. 4
Second Year
Multiple Choice Questions
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 04
Chapter Name : Reproduction
Total MCQ from Text Book :  178
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ 
Exam conduct By : Inter Board of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 12th ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 178
Total Time :  89 minutes



1 / 178

A disease caused by Neisseria is

2 / 178

Which phytochrome is inaCtive

3 / 178

Megasporophylls of angiosperms are

4 / 178

The first day of the menstrual cycle is the one on which:

5 / 178

Corpus luteum secretes a hormone called: - (Reproduction)

6 / 178

ICSH acts on

7 / 178

How many polar nuclei are seen in embryo sac of angiosPerms

8 / 178

Ovulation is induced by: (Mtn 2016)

9 / 178

The animals that lay shelled eggs to protect the developing embryo from harsh terrestrial conditions are called: (Rwp 2016)

10 / 178

Fertilization is the process which leads to the union of (SwF 2016)

11 / 178

Diploid parthenogenesis may occur in; (Mirpur Kashmir 2016)

12 / 178

Vernalin is actually a

13 / 178

Haploid males produce sperm by mitosis in? (Mirpur 14)

14 / 178

Reproduction is necessary for the survival of [ Mir Supp 2013, Lhr 2014 G. I, Ftwp 2015, Fsd 2015, Sgd 2015, Sgd 2016,..Prw 2016) ]

15 / 178

The embryo normally develops in the:

16 / 178

Parathenocarpy is

17 / 178

Fruit ripening is often associated. by a burst of respiratory activity, known

18 / 178

Which one of the following is the additional function of the embryonic membrane?

19 / 178

In spermatogenesis primary spermatogenium undergoes

20 / 178

Which conversion favours flowering in short night plants

21 / 178

Parthenocarpy is the development of fruit without

22 / 178

Which bees are for sperm transfer

23 / 178

Germinating pollen grain is rich source of: (Lhr 2015 Group))

24 / 178

Egg of humans is

25 / 178

Evolution of pollen tube is parallel to the evolution of (D.G.Khan 2015 Group II)

26 / 178

Which one is a haploid cell:

27 / 178

Sporulation is a an

28 / 178

Pericarp is a/an .

29 / 178

The cells of the germinal epithelium of the somniferous tubules of testes by repeated division produce;

30 / 178

The hormone responsible for production of sperm cells and male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty is

31 / 178

Evolution of pollen tube parallels the evolution of:

32 / 178

Oogenesis is completed

33 / 178

Male gonads are called:

34 / 178

Red light inhibits flowering in:

35 / 178

Prostate gland, bulbourethral gland and seminal vesicle are associated with

36 / 178

In human how many ova are usually discharged from ova at one time

37 / 178

Which of the followings are hermaphrodites

38 / 178

The formation of spores is called:

39 / 178

Two blastomeres of a single zygote separate to form:

40 / 178

Fruit development without fertilization is (Grw 2015)

41 / 178

Which cells secrete testosterone? (Lhr 2013 G 1)

42 / 178

Critical dark length of cocklebur is

43 / 178

Florigen is produced in

44 / 178

Releaser of ovum from the ovary is called:

45 / 178

Photoperiodism was first studied by Garner and Allard in;

46 / 178

Diploid parthenogenesis occurs in: (Sahiwal 13)

47 / 178

Mature sperms are stored in:

48 / 178

The light effective in preventing flowering in Cocklebur is

49 / 178

Vehicle for transport of male gamete in land plants is (Sgd 2016)

50 / 178

Which of these is mismatched:

51 / 178

Oviduct is generally called as: (Rwp 2013)

52 / 178

Cotton is a

53 / 178

During delivery of baby, average less of maternal blood is: (Mirpur Kashmir 2015, Fsd 2016)

54 / 178

Vehicle for transport of male gamete in land plants is: (Lhr 2014 G I)

55 / 178

A long day plant with its criiical day length as 13 hours is the?

56 / 178

15.5 hours is the critical day length for a

57 / 178

Syphilis a sexually transmitted disease of man is caused by a;

58 / 178

Towards the end of pregnancy, the reduction in progesterone level,stimulates pituitary gland to produce: (Lhr 2016 Group Ill

59 / 178

Parthenocarpy is sometimes artificially induced in tomato, peppers etc. by adding: (Lhr 2016 Group I)

60 / 178

Common methods of asexual reproduction are:

61 / 178

Average loss of blood during birth in human female is about:

62 / 178

Syphilis is caused by a spirochacte named as (Bwp 2016, D. G. Khan 12)

63 / 178

A long day plant with its critical day length as 11.0 hours is the;

64 / 178

The human embryo is referred to as the fetus, from beginning of:(Bwp 2015)

65 / 178

All the following hormones are produced by the placenta Except:

66 / 178

Reproduction is very innportant to survival of: ,

67 / 178

Microspore mother cells are :

68 / 178

The end or complete stop of the menstrual cycle is called: (Rwp 2016)

69 / 178

Fluid secreted by sertoli cells provides liquid medium, protection and nourishment to: (Lhr 015 G -1)

70 / 178

Fruit ripening is often accompanied by burst of respiratory activity called (Rwp 13, Mirpur 13, D.G.Khan 2015 Group I)

71 / 178

Spermatogenesis requires the presence o f

72 / 178

In bryophates gametes are formed by

73 / 178

Which of the following is day neutral plant:

74 / 178

In the placental mammals fertilization normally takes place in the;

75 / 178

Which horrnone is most important in fruit setting

76 / 178

It enables embryo in plants to survive long periods of unfavourable environmental conditions is called. (Mirpur 12)

77 / 178

The sperms are produced in:

78 / 178

Germinating pollen grain is rich source of: (Lhr 2015 G - I)

79 / 178

Sperms are stored in

80 / 178

Photoperiod affects flowring, when shoot meristerns start producing: (Mtn 2015, Grw 2016)

81 / 178

Testosterone, the male sex hormone, is synthesized in the:

82 / 178

Which one of the following is not a parthenocarpic fruit?

83 / 178

Total gestation period or pregnancy in a human female is:

84 / 178

Megaspores are also called

85 / 178

The pituitary hormones of the human female which affect the ovaries are;

86 / 178

Fruit ripening is due to production of:

87 / 178

Red light is absorbed by the type of phytochrome:

88 / 178

The germinating pollen grain is a rich scnirce of

89 / 178

In digger wasp which parthenogenesis is seen

90 / 178

Which statement about urethra is wrong

91 / 178

The main duct of male reproductive tract is:

92 / 178

Climacteric is induced by

93 / 178

An example of long day plant is,

94 / 178

Which hormone promotes flowering in long day plants

95 / 178

External fertilization occurs in (Rwp 2015)

96 / 178

Effect of Photoperiodism was first studied in 1920 by: (Lhr 2016 Group I)

97 / 178

Egg in enriched with food in

98 / 178

Which hormone acts as far-red light

99 / 178

Rich source of energy in seimen is

100 / 178

in plants, photoperiod and temperature affect:

101 / 178

The testis is concerned with:

102 / 178

The oviducts

103 / 178

The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the:

104 / 178

The temperature more effective for vernalisation (Lhr 2015 Group II)

105 / 178

Seed plants are predominant due to their:

106 / 178

Which hormones are in more concentration in pineapple fruit body?

107 / 178

A spirochaete, Treponema pallidum, causes:(Sahiwal 13)

108 / 178

Microspores mother cells of gymnosperms are

109 / 178

The duration of low temperature (chilling) treatement varies from:(Grw 2013)

110 / 178

Which one of the following hormone is absent in germinating seeds?

111 / 178

The release of ovum from the ovary is called (D.G.Khan 2016 Group II)

112 / 178

Which of the harmone suppresses ovulation.

113 / 178

Which one of the following hormone is involved in ripening of fruits:

114 / 178

The unusual stage of menstrual cycle is ?

115 / 178

Which is a long day plant? (Gee 2015, Mtn 2015)

116 / 178

Laptaidtiaognisngofand law resistance to environmental (sins.ischaannd2c(,,Iiis,easreosupari;

117 / 178

Photoperiod affect flowering when shoot meristem start producing

118 / 178

Fruit ripening is due to the production of (Grw 2014)

119 / 178

Fluid secreted by sertoli cells provides liquid medium, protection & nourishment to: (Lhr 2015 Group')

120 / 178

The cells provide liquid medium for protection and nourishment to sperms:(Fsd 13)

121 / 178

Tobacco plants produce flower in:

122 / 178

Female reproductive system

123 / 178

The ovary

124 / 178

Decrease of FSH and increase of estrogen causes the pituitary gland to secrete (Mirpur Kashmir 2015)

125 / 178

In honey bee, males are haploid and produce sperms by (Mirpur 12, Lhr 2015 G -II)

126 / 178

Which structure is absent in gymnosperms

127 / 178

From beginning of the third month of pregnancy, the human embryo is referred to as the (Mtn 2016)

128 / 178

Cloning is a an

129 / 178

In tracing the path of sperm you would mention vas deferens before:

130 / 178

The limited period of sexual receptivity that occurs around the time of

131 / 178

P660 a quiescent form is converted to active P 730 by the absorption of (Swl 2016)

132 / 178

Which one of the following is a type of asexual reproduction:

133 / 178

Vestigial prothalus is the tem-i used for

134 / 178

Between the seminiferous tubules are interstitial calls, which secrete

135 / 178

Spermiogenesis involves

136 / 178

Interstitial cells founds between seminiferous tubules secrete:

137 / 178

All of the following organs produce hormones involved in reproductive

138 / 178

Developing seeds are rich source of:

139 / 178

Fusion nucleus is formed from

140 / 178

Every seed shows

141 / 178

In honey bees spermatogenesis is done by

142 / 178

At the end of the day a plant has a more phytochrome in the form of :

143 / 178

Development of an egg into Embryo without fertilization is called as:

144 / 178

Average loss of blood during human childbirth amounts to about;

145 / 178

The light which promotes germination of fern spores (D.G.Khan 16 Group I)

146 / 178

In oviparous animals development is

147 / 178

Which one of the following is not a parthenocarpic fruit:

148 / 178

Sperms are formed in: (Swl 2015)

149 / 178

Which of the following is active form of phytoctiromes?

150 / 178

The male reproductive system consists of:

151 / 178

The total gestation period in human female is about: (Bwp 2015, Fsd 2013)

152 / 178

If the ovaries of a human female are removed during early stages-of-pregnancy the pregnancy is maintaned due to hormones secreted by

153 / 178

Far red light is absorbed by the type of phytochrome:

154 / 178

Gonorrhea is caused by:

155 / 178

The florigen travels through:

156 / 178

The most common cancer in male individuals in humans is of

157 / 178

Glands of male sexual reproductive system are

158 / 178

Which of the following is not a long day plant:

159 / 178

Unhooking of plumule is promoted by (Sgd 2013)

160 / 178

Which one of the following is diploid:

161 / 178

Abscisic acid

162 / 178

Discharge of egg from the ovary is called (Swl 2015)

163 / 178

The oogonia in the human ovary divide mitotically and form;

164 / 178

In female reproductive cycle at which stage progesterone level is maximum

165 / 178

Corpus luteum secretes:

166 / 178

Development of secondary sexual characters in female is used by:

167 / 178

Sperms reach to proximal part of fallopian tube by

168 / 178

Developing seeds are rich sburce of (Mirpur Kashmir 2016)

169 / 178

Which one of the followings is a day neutral plant. (Sgd 2013)

170 / 178

Parthenocarpy is induced in tomato and pepper by adding: (Lhr 2014 G II)

171 / 178

It is n ow believed that Vernalin is nothing special but actually is:

172 / 178

Hormone absent in developing seed: (Lhr 2013 G II)

173 / 178

Far red light inhibits flowering in:

174 / 178

Within 10-45 minutes after birth the uterus contracts and separate the placenta from the wall of the uterus and placenta then passes out through the vagina. This is called:

175 / 178

The florigen hormone is produced in:

176 / 178

Oestrous cycle is a reproductive cycle found in:

177 / 178

Reproduction is very important for the survival of:

178 / 178

Fraternal tWins are always

Your score is

The average score is 44%


[mtouch quiz 153]

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