PPSC Past PAPERs No.44 SS Lecturer Education Headmaster MCQs

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC Past Papers & Model/Sample Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 40 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 40

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 44

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 44

1 / 40

Boss is right is the feature of

2 / 40

The literacy centers established during the first half of the sixth plan were replaced by

3 / 40

What is development of human potentialities in education

4 / 40

Which of the following does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education

5 / 40

The social aims of education imply that

6 / 40

Which among the following is not an acceptable criticism of social aims of education

7 / 40

Every school is organized, operated and administrated according to a

8 / 40

If one wants to know the usefulness of B.Ed program, it should get the program

9 / 40

Which of the following statements does not go in favour of the individual aims of education

10 / 40

Which of the following is more generally acceptable by modern educationalists

11 / 40

According to which philosophy of education, childhood is something desirable for its own sake and children should be children

12 / 40

Self evaluation by student teacher in teaching practice means

13 / 40

Which is not true about lesson plan

14 / 40

Harmonious development of the child aim of education means

15 / 40

Who as twentieth century Existentialism

16 / 40

Which among the following is the most Collect view about social anti individual aims of education

17 / 40

Which statement is most acceptable to the academicians about Bread and butter aim of education

18 / 40

School is representative of

19 / 40

Exhibition of science fairs promotes students ability of

20 / 40

What does the individual aim of education imply

21 / 40

Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in

22 / 40

What is development of social sensure and co-operation among the individuals through education

23 / 40

Which among the following is not emphasized by the individual aims of education

24 / 40

Who emphasized that education should be a social process

25 / 40

Attention must be given to the selection of appropriate learning materials by the teachers to meet

26 / 40

On recommendations of education commission report 1959, institutes of education were established at two universities to lay down the basis for continuous

27 / 40

The most effective method of character formation is

28 / 40

Guidance worker is interested to help in improving

29 / 40

Teacher explains and performs practically through

30 / 40

Preparing the child for future life as an aim of education is preparing child for

31 / 40

Who was the nineteenth century fonder of Existentialism

32 / 40

Informal education is

33 / 40

Rigid system of state-education is justified on the basis that the state

34 / 40

Leave is always applied for in

35 / 40

Social aims of education imply the training of

36 / 40

The ability to solve problems or to adjust in the new environment is the definition of

37 / 40

Only quantitative description of student's learning is called

38 / 40

Which of these is the first Academy of socializing the child

39 / 40

Total records of students for having exact idea is through

40 / 40

Commission report 1959 made religious education compulsory for Muslim children in schools of

Your score is


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