SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST PAPER No.2

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC Old Papers & Model/Sample Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 50 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 50

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Old PAPER No. 2

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Old PAPER No. 2

1 / 50

What is the meaning of ANTITHESIS

2 / 50

Students are active in

3 / 50

Educational training enhances

4 / 50

Which type of research provides the strongest evidence about the existence of cause-and-effect relationships

5 / 50

The successful and Systematic academic Working of classes in the school depends on

6 / 50

Solo Taxonomy provides systematic way of describing the learner's

7 / 50

The communication flowing from subordinates to superiors, is known as

8 / 50

Which of the folowing activity DOES NOT fall in psychomotor domain

9 / 50

Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by

10 / 50

When, What, Why and How, to teachis the main task of

11 / 50

Good reading aims at developing

12 / 50

Most ignored aspect in education field is

13 / 50

The responsibility of implementing the curriculum in the classroom lies primarily with the

14 / 50

Study of the mind is called

15 / 50

A father is 9 times as old as his son and the mother is 8 times as old as the son.Sum of father's and mother's age is 51. What is the age of the son?

16 / 50

Which of thr following pairs is incorrectly matched

17 / 50

The education confined to educational institution is

18 / 50

What is the other name of Direct Instruction

19 / 50

The selection of the particular design is influenced by

20 / 50

The procedure of philosophy is based on

21 / 50

In the subject centered curriculum, the important element is

22 / 50

Learning involves acquiring new ways of processing information and revising existing processes

23 / 50

Andragogy techniques are used to teach

24 / 50

The word DDO means

25 / 50

Managing school records is main duty of

26 / 50

Better physical setting of classroom requires

27 / 50

Values are closely related to the concept of truth for

28 / 50

The primary task of the teacher is

29 / 50

Cognitive development deals with

30 / 50

A multiple choice question is composed of question or statement is referred as

31 / 50

Study of great books is at the core of

32 / 50

The behavior occurring just before the reinforce

33 / 50

Secondary School Educators are appointed in BPS

34 / 50

If alone does not provide, adequate basis of developing a scope of well rounded education

35 / 50

For better teaching learning process, the best method is

36 / 50

Teaching as per lesson plan in a school is usually supervised by

37 / 50

The chief responsibility of the principal is

38 / 50

What do you mean by 3 Rs

39 / 50

The role of a teacher in inquiry-based learning is of

40 / 50

The pursuit of wisdom and knowledge is

41 / 50

A problem child has

42 / 50

The most important factor, which resists the curriculum change, is

43 / 50

Item Analysis focuses to find out

44 / 50

Diamer Bhasha Dam is being constructed in

45 / 50

According to whom curriculum is a plan for learning

46 / 50

A child's low self-esteem may be caused by

47 / 50

Who led the Pakistan delegation to he 17th NAM Summit concluded recently in Venezuela

48 / 50

Common Salt is also called

49 / 50

Among the influence of Pestalozzi and Herbart upon education should be listed the

50 / 50

Echoes are produced due to

Your score is

The average score is 57%


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