Strictly implementation of SBA in Schools
پنجاب ایگزامینشن کمیشن لاہور کی جانب سے ایس بی اے ایگزام کی ہدایات پر سختی سے عمل پیرا ہونے کی ہدایات جاری کی ہیں ۔ اگر کوئی بھی سکول ان ہدایات کی خلاف ورزی کرتا ہوا نظر آیا تو اس کے خلاف سخت کاروائی عمل میں لائی جائے گی۔ تمام سکول سربراہان ادارہ نیچے لیٹر میں دی گئی ہدایات کو غور سے پڑھ لیں ۔ اور ان پر سختی سے عمل کریں ۔
Tel:No: 042-99260142,147,150,156
All Chief Executive Officers,
District Education Authority,
In pursuance of implementation of APF, the School Based Assessment (SBA) has been strengthened and accordingly the schools will conduct assessment of grades 1-8 from June 18¬30, 2021 under the supervision of school heads. Role of PEC is to facilitate and support the schools in establishing a uniform and coherent curriculum-based assessment system. PEC has set up a control room at PEC for the smooth conduct of SBA. In case of any query, Mr. Tahir Riaz and Hina Ibrahim may be contacted (042-99260146) at PEC.
2. PEC has given orientation about SBA and has also imparted training to the district administration and teachers of all schools of all districts about paper construction, SOPs of conduct, paper marking and report card preparation. A manual prepared by PEC for successful conduct of SBA is hereby sent for reference.
3. A focal person has been nominated for implementation of SBA at district level under the supervision of CEO (DEA). He will coordinate with schools other than those of SED schools for registering, orientation about SBA, ensure timely delivery of item bank, keys and report card template to these schools.
4. PEC has uploaded item bank online through Web based application and Google Drive on June 8, 2021. The key for marking will be uploaded on June 18, 2021. Schools will conduct exams, mark the papers, prepare the report cards and will hand over report cards to students and parents as per given schedule.
5. It is therefore requested that School Based Assessment of grades 1-8 may be implemented in true letter and spirit and submit a certificate to PEC about the successful implementation of SBA at key stages on 17th June, 2021 about complete access of item bank and related material to schools, and on 11th July, 2021 about successful completion of SBA and handing over report cards.
6. Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.
1. PS to Secretary School Education Department, Government of the Punjab
2. PS to Secretary, Literacy and Non-Formal Education, Government of the Punjab
3. Director, Punjab Education Initiatives Management Authority, Lahore.
4. Program Director, Punjab Education Foundation, Lahore.
5. Managing Director, PMIU, Lahore
6, Managing Director, Punjab Daanish Schools and Centres of Excellence Authority, Lahore