UNO General Knowledge GK Online MCQs Test No.1 FPSC

UNO and International Organizations MCQs Test No.1, General Knowledge Online MCQs for Competition Exams,The united nations mcqs Questions Answers Quiz Pdf download, United nations multiple choice questions pdf,

Category : General Knowledge
Topic :  UNO and Other International Organizations
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit :  58 Minutes


Note :
All Subject Specific tests have 20% questions from General Knowledge like SS (Physics) , SS (Chemistry) , Headmaster or Assistant Director (Land Record), Dy. Director etc.
All Tests 100% prepared from General Knowledge which have required qualification M.Sc. , M.A. or B.A. in any subject in FPSC / PPSC / SPSC , BPSC , KP PSC.


UNO and Other International Organizations Test No.1

UNO and Other International Organizations Test No.1

1 / 58

In the 15-member of UN Security Council, the ratio of the permanent members to the non-permanent members is

2 / 58

"World Development Report" is an annual publication of

3 / 58

Which of the following sets of four countries is responsible for forming the constitution of UNO in October 1944?

4 / 58

The Secretary-General of UNO who died in an air-crash was

5 / 58

When did UNO formarlly come into existance?

6 / 58

How many Principal bodies of the UNO are there?

7 / 58

The first Secretary-General of the United Nations was

8 / 58

How the Secretary-General of UNO is appointed

9 / 58

The General Assembly elected Colombia, Germany, _____ Portugal and South Africa to serve as non-permanent members of the Security Council for two-year terms starting on 1 January 2011.

10 / 58

Who among the following was the 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization?

11 / 58

New members are admitted to the General Assembly of UNO on the recommendation of Security Council and ______

12 / 58

Name the Council which is entrusted with the job of safeguarding the interest of inhabitants of territories that are not yet fully self-governing

13 / 58

United Nations University is situated

14 / 58

Child of war term used for the organization

15 / 58

What is the maximum number of judges who can be of same nationality

16 / 58

Pakistan and __________ gained the membership of UNO on 30 September, 1947

17 / 58

On 20 December 2006, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly decided to proclaim the 2011 as the International Year of __________

18 / 58

When did Joseph Stalin, Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Chrchill met in Iran and agreed in Principle to form United Nations?

19 / 58

The Economic and Social Council consists of representatives of how many countries elected by two-third majority of General Assembly

20 / 58

Security Council comprises of how many members?

21 / 58

Which of the following countries were integral parts of the USSR until December 1991 but had separate UN membership

22 / 58

Today the membership of UNO has risen to ________

23 / 58

The General Assembly meets every year in regular sessions beginning every year on______

24 / 58

How many non-permanent members are elected from West European Countries

25 / 58

Which of following Muslim countries joined UNO on its first day i.e. 24 October, 1945

26 / 58

Which of the following countries was the second last member inducted in Semptember 2002 UN General Assembly?

27 / 58

Which UN Agency has its H.Q. in Paris?

28 / 58

To Which country did the first Secretary-General of the UNO belong?

29 / 58

The colour combination of the UN Flag is

30 / 58

Which of the following is not a Principal organ of the UNO?

31 / 58

who is the first secretary General elected from the ranks of united Nations staff

32 / 58

The member of Economics and Social Council are elected for three years. How many members are elected every year?

33 / 58

For how many years are the temporary members of the Security Council of the UNO are elected?

34 / 58

On June 26 1945, at San Francisco the United Nations Charter was signed by the delegates of how many countries

35 / 58

Pakistan joined UNO on

36 / 58

The Headquarters of the UNO are located at

37 / 58

Which of following countries is not a member of UNO

38 / 58

The Economic and Social Council of UN has how many Regional Economic Commissions?

39 / 58

Which of the following countries was expelled from UNO when it did not accept the name as suggested by the UNO?

40 / 58

Which day is celebrated as United Nations Day?

41 / 58

Who appoints the Judges of International Court of Justice?

42 / 58

United Nations emblem consists of ________

43 / 58

Which of the following does not have veto power in Security Council?

44 / 58

The term of Kofi Annan as a general secretary of UNO was from 1st january, 1997 to ________

45 / 58

The Presidency of the Security Council is held by each member country in rotation in alphabetical order o their names for a period of_________

46 / 58

UNO's 'Oil for Food' Plan is associated with one of the following countries. Identify that

47 / 58

All the following countries are permanent members of the Security Council EXCEPT

48 / 58

Which of the following countries became the member of UNO on 28 June, 2006

49 / 58

Security Council comprises of 15 members. How many non-permanent members Security Council has?

50 / 58

International Court of Justice has its head office in

51 / 58

The name of the United Nations was adopted at the suggestion of_________

52 / 58

The oldest world organization is League of Nations where was its headquarter situated

53 / 58

Which of these are nicknamed "Bretton Woods Twins"? 1. IDA 2. IMF 3. IBRD 4. WTO

54 / 58

The five permanent members of the Security Council of the UNO are

55 / 58

How many non-Permanent members are elected from Afro-Asian countries?

56 / 58

How many judges to the International Court of Justice are elected by the Security Council and General Assembly for the term of 9 years

57 / 58

The General Assembly discusses and makes recommendations on any subject mentioned in UN Charter except

58 / 58

World Food Council (WFC) was established in 1974. Its headquarters are situated in

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