PHYSICS 2nd Year MCQs Chapter No.7 ELECTRONICS Test No.2

Physics MCQs 2nd Year Chapter No.7 ELECTRONICS Test No.2, FSc, Grade 12, Second Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Questions Answers Quiz Notes in Pdf Download, All Old Board Papers included, All Queries reply within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

PHYSICS – 2nd Year
Chapter No. 7  [ Test No.2 ]
Multiple Choice Questions
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.


Book Name :  PHYSICS
Chapter No. 7 ( Test No. 2 )
Chapter Name : ELECTRONICS 
Total MCQ from Text Book :  107
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 12 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 107
Total Time :   107 minutes




1 / 107

The Boolean expressi9n of NAND Gate is: (MTN 2016 Group II)

2 / 107

38. Potential difference across depletion region in case of Silicon: (Mtn 2015 Group I)

3 / 107

Transistor are useful in equipments such as hearing acids and small radio receivers because transistor

4 / 107

The mathematical notation for OR operation is.:

5 / 107

10. The open loop gain of amplifier is of the order of (RWP 2016)

6 / 107

During negative half cycle of A.C then p-n Junction offers (Mirpur 2015)

7 / 107

The level sensor works on the absis of:

8 / 107

51. Open loop gain of OP - Amp is of the order of (D.G.Khan 2015 Group I)

9 / 107

The ratio of potential barrier charge to Si at room temperature is: (Lhr 2016 Group II)

10 / 107

Which amplifier has input impedence low and output impedence high?

11 / 107

Atransistor is made of

12 / 107

The output of two input OR gate is zero only when its; (Mirpur 2016)

13 / 107

For rectification we use (D.G.Khan 2015 Group II)

14 / 107

In PN Junction, the barrier potential offers opposition to only

15 / 107

The thickness of base in a transistor is of the order of: ( LHR 2015 Group I)

16 / 107

The resistance of reverse biased PN junction diode is about

17 / 107

In an NPN transistor circuit, the collector current is 10mA. If 90% of the electrons emitted reach the collector:

18 / 107

If Ic = 4mA and β = 95 then IE is

19 / 107

A two inputs NAND gate with inputs A and B has an output 0, if (BWP 2016)

20 / 107

The dominant mechanisms for motion of charge carriers in forward and reverse biased silicon P.N junction are:

21 / 107

The P.side of a junction diode is eathed and N-side is given a potential of -2V. The diode will

22 / 107

If the forward voltage in a diode is increased the width of depletion region

23 / 107

Potential difference across two terminal of silicon diode at 300 k is: ( LHR 2015 Group I)

24 / 107

The potential barriers for silicon at room temperature is (D.G khan 2016 Group I)

25 / 107

In a common-base amplifier the phase difference between input signal voltage and output voltage is:

26 / 107

The output of exclusive OR gate (XOR) is 1, when:

27 / 107

The potential barrier for germanium at room temperature is (SWL 2016)

28 / 107

Exclusive OR gate (XOR gate) can be obtained by combining the:

29 / 107

The gain of non-inverting amplification factor 13 is given by: (RWP 2015)

30 / 107

6. For rectification we use: (Grw 2016)

31 / 107

The mathematical notation for NOR operation is:

32 / 107

Automatic functioning of streetlight can be done by the use of: (MTN 2016 Group II)

33 / 107

Identify the sensors among the following:

34 / 107

The open loop gain of the amplifier is order of: ( LHR 2015 Group I)

35 / 107

50. Reverse current flows due to (D.G.Khan 2015 Group I)

36 / 107

39. The size of base in a transistor is: (Mtn 2015 Group I)

37 / 107

The least doped region in a transistor is:

38 / 107

The current gain 'β' of a transistor is given by; (Mirpur 2016)

39 / 107

The electrical circuit which is used to get smooth DC output from a rectifier circuit is called:

40 / 107

45. Which one can be used as temperature sensor in electric circuit? (Sgd 2015 Group II)

41 / 107

In full wave rectification no of diodes required are equal to (SGD 2016 Group I)

42 / 107

The mathematically notation for exclusive NOR operation is:

43 / 107

The potential bairiers for germanium at room temperature is:

44 / 107

48. The width of central region of a transistor is: (SwI 2015)

45 / 107

The reverse biasing in a PN junction diode

46 / 107

In photovoltaic cell, current is directly proportional to: (GRW 2015)

47 / 107

Light emitting diodes (LED) are made from semi-conductors: ( LHR 2015 Group I)

48 / 107

The input resistance of an op-amplifier is: (FSD 2016)

49 / 107

Three semiconductors are arranged in the increasing order of their energy gap as follows. The correct arragement is:

50 / 107

9. The gain of transistor amplifier depends upon: (RWP 2016)

51 / 107

A logic gate gives high output when any one of its inputs is high. Which of the following is the logic gate

52 / 107

Depletion region carries (D.G khan 2016 Group II)

53 / 107

A logic gate which inverts the input is called

54 / 107

SI unit of current gain is: (Grw 2016)

55 / 107

A device which converts some physical quantity into voltage is called:

56 / 107

Which Of the following is not accurate measuring device? (RWP 2016)

57 / 107

Which amplifier is called current amplifier?

58 / 107

Truth table of logic function:

59 / 107

NPN transistor is preferred to PNP transistor because they are

60 / 107

In the middle of the depletion layer of a reverse biased PN junction the

61 / 107

Energy band in solids are a consequence of

62 / 107

The common emitter current amplification factor β is given by: (RWP 2015)

63 / 107

The thickness of depletion region in a PN junction diode is of the order of

64 / 107

Minority carries present in a p-type semiconductor are due to

65 / 107

44. The gain of non inverting op.Amp of external resistances k1 = 10kΩ , R2 = 100kΩ (Sgd 2015 Group II)

66 / 107

The potential barrier for germanium at room temperature is (Mir 2015)

67 / 107

43. Current gain β of a transistor is (Sgd 2015 Group I)

68 / 107

The output of exclusive NOR gate (XNOR) is 0, when:

69 / 107

The energy gap in silicon is

70 / 107

40. Greater concentration of impurity is added in: (Mtn 2015 Group II)

71 / 107

The base of transistor is made thin and is very lightly doped so that

72 / 107

42. In forward biasing, the value of resistance is (Sgd 2015 Group I)

73 / 107

The mathematical notation for AND operation

74 / 107

In a semiconductor crystal, if current flows due to breakage of crystal bonds, then semiconductor is called

75 / 107

Truth Table of Logic Function: (BWP 2016)

76 / 107

The colour of light emitted by a LED depends on (SWL 2016)

77 / 107

52. The potential barrier for silicon at room temperature is (D.G.Khan 2015 Group II)

78 / 107

NAND gate is used to invert the output of:

79 / 107

Output resistance of an op-amp is (SGD 2016 Group I)

80 / 107

41. The ratio β transistor is called: (Mtn 2015 Group II)

81 / 107

The magnitude of open loop gain at room temperature is: (D.G khan 2016 Group I)

82 / 107

On increasing the reverse bias voltage to a large value in a PN junction diode, The current

83 / 107

Exclusive NOR gate (XNOR gate) can be obtained by combining the:

84 / 107

A diode characteristic, curve is plotted between (Lhr 2016 Group I)

85 / 107

In the depletion region of an unbiased PN junction diode there are

86 / 107

In a common-base transistor circuit, the current gain is 0.98. On changing the emitter current by 5mA, the changein collector current is:

87 / 107

The PN junction diode acts as

88 / 107

x = ∁A+B is the mathematical notation for (SGD 2016 Group II)

89 / 107

A diode as rectifier converts

90 / 107

49. The use of LDR is in the circuit of: (SwI 2015)

91 / 107

PN junction diode at low voltage work as insulator if connected

92 / 107

47. The gain of Amplifier is given as: (Bwp 2015)

93 / 107

The part of transistor, which is heavily doped to produce a large number of majority carriers:

94 / 107

37. In p-type substances, the minority carries are:

95 / 107

8. Electrons vibrating 94.000 times each second will produce radio waves of (RWP 2016)

96 / 107

Exclusive NOR gate (XNOR) can be obtained by inverting the output of:

97 / 107

The mathematical notation for exclusive OR operation is:

98 / 107

Transistors are made from: (Lhr 2016 Group I)

99 / 107

Which of the following is the forbidden energy gap in joules for germanium crystal?

100 / 107

The matheintical notation for NOT operation is:

101 / 107

The mathematical notation for NAND operation is:

102 / 107

The thickness of the base of the transistor is of the order of: (MTN 2016 Group I)

103 / 107

A PN-junction can not be used as: (Lhr 2016 Group II)

104 / 107

Which amplifier gives a phase shift of 180°ree; between input and output signal?

105 / 107

What is the voltage gain in a common emitter amplifier, where input resistance is 3Ω and load resistance 24Ω, β = .6?

106 / 107

Minimum number of semiconductor diodes required for full wave rectification are: (Fsd 2015)

107 / 107

The barrier potential of Silicon Diode at room temperature is: (Bwp 2015)

Your score is

The average score is 33%


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