PHYSICS MCQs 1st Year CHAPTER NO.11 Test No.1

Physics 1st Year MCQs Chapter No. 11 Heat & Thermodynamics Test No. 1, FSc, Grade 11, First Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Questions Answers Notes in Pdf, All Old Board Papers included, All Queries reply within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

Chapter No. 11  [ Test No. 1 ]
1st Year
Multiple Choice Questions
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad 10-Years Papers.

Book Name :  PHYSICS
Chapter No. 11 ( Test No. 1 )
Total MCQ from Text Book/Board/UHS/PMC Papers :  65
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 65
Total Time :   32 minutes 30 Seconds

Grade 11 - Physics - Chapter 11 - HEAT & THERMODYNAMICS - Test No. 1

Grade 11 - Physics - Chapter 11 - HEAT & THERMODYNAMICS - Test No. 1

1 / 65

A system does 700 Joules of work and at the same time its internal energy increases to 400 Joules, heat supplied by the source is (SWL 2019 GI)

2 / 65

The work done in isochoric process is: (LHR 2018 GI)

3 / 65

At constant temperature and pressure, if volume of given mass of a gas is doubled, then density of the gas becomes: (LHR 2017 GI)

4 / 65

Which of the following is not an example of adiabatic process? (LHR 2015)

5 / 65

Pressure of gas is given as (SGD 2016)

6 / 65

A good example of first law of thermodynamics is (SGD 2014)

7 / 65

For an ideal gas, the potential energy associated with its molecules is: (RWP 2018) (LHR 201,7 2018 GII)

8 / 65

The formula connecting the pressure and volume of a gas undergoing an adiabatic change is; (AJK 2016)

9 / 65

Cloud formation in atmosphere is an example of: (SGD 2015 G11) (RWP, GRW 2016)

10 / 65

If internal energy decreaseS by 300 J and 120 J of work is done on the system then heat will be(DGK 2019 GII)

11 / 65

If Cp for a gas 7R/2 then the value of C v will be: (BWP 2019 GI)

12 / 65

For a diatomic gas Cv = 5R/2 then gamma "γ" for this gas is: (BWP 2015)

13 / 65

At which of the following temperature a body has maximum internal energy (DGK 2016 GI)

14 / 65

In case of adiabatic process, the 1st law of thermodynamic is written as: (MTN 2019 GI)

15 / 65

Which one is true for the isothermal process (RWP 2015) (SGD 2011)

16 / 65

The value of Boltzman constant is: (LHR 2016 GI, II)

17 / 65

In thermodynamics the change in the internal energy depends upon: (SGD 2018)

18 / 65

Boltzman constant k is equal to; (AJK 2015)

19 / 65

Difference between Cp and C v is equal to: (LHR 2019 GII)

20 / 65

The curve representing an adiabatic process is called  (MTN, RWP 2014)

21 / 65

Boyie's law is applicable to (MTN, RWP 2012)

22 / 65

For an ideal gas, the P.E. associated with its molecules is equal to (DGK 2019 GI)

23 / 65

SI unit pressure of gas is: (LHR 2018 GII)

24 / 65

Isothermal process is carried out at constant (SWL 2015) (FSD 2016)

25 / 65

Root mean square velocity is related to the absolute temperature of an ideal gas as: (LHR 2019 GI)

26 / 65

The ration of Cp / C v for a diatomic gas is equal to (SGD 2015 GII)

27 / 65

The direction of flow of heat between two bodies in thermal contact is determined by (SGD 2019 GI)

28 / 65

For an ideal gas system, the internal energy is directly proportional to: (MTN 2017 GII)

29 / 65

In thermodynamics system internal energy decreases by 100 J and 100 J of work is done on the system then heat lost will be (SGD 2016 GI)

30 / 65

The sum of all the energies of molecules is known as (SGD 2019 G11)

31 / 65

In case the work done is zero: (MTN 2016 G11)

32 / 65

Which is the average translational K.E of molecules In a gas at 27 °C (FSD 2010)

33 / 65

For working of heat engine, there must be1. (RWP 2014

34 / 65

If the temp of the sink is decreases, the efficiency of carnot engine(SWL 2010)

35 / 65

If P = Pressure ; V = Volume of a gas PAV represents (LHR 2019 GI)

36 / 65

What remains constant in adiabatic process (FSD 2015)

37 / 65

Human metabolism is the example of: (MTN 2019 GII)

38 / 65

According to kinetic theory of gases, the size of molecule is __________________the separation between them; (AJK 2019 GI)

39 / 65

Joule is the unit of (DGK 2011)

40 / 65

The change in internal energy is defined as: (LHR 2017 GII)

41 / 65

The SI unit of product of pressure and volume is: (RWP 2019 GI)

42 / 65

If Cv is the molar heat capacity at constant volume and ∆T is the temperature then Cv ∆T gives (SGD 2014)

43 / 65

Average translational K.E. of molecules for an ideal gas is given as: (GRW, AJK 2017)(RWP 2015)

44 / 65

The Mean Kinetic Energy of Gas is zero at: (BWP 2018 GI)

45 / 65

A diatomic gas molecules has: (BWP 2017)

46 / 65

If temperature of a gas is constant than < 1/2mv2 > of the molecules of gas will be (SGD 2018 GII)

47 / 65

The efficiency of Carnot engine depends upon (LHR 2015)

48 / 65

Pascal is the unit of: (GRW 2019 GI)

49 / 65

According to first law of thermodynamics the quantity which is conserved is: (GRW 2019 GII)

50 / 65

According to 1st law of thermodynamics the quantity which is conserved is (AJK, GRW 2014)

51 / 65

In case. of adiabatic process 1st law of thermodynamics is written as (FSD, AJK 2017)(MTN 2015 GII, 2018)(RWP 2016, 2018)(DGK 2015 GII)

52 / 65

Heat is a form of (SGD 2015 GI) (LHR 2015 GII)

53 / 65

What remains constant in adiabatic process? (GRW 2019 GII)

54 / 65

At constant temperature, if pressure is halved then its volume is: (GRW 2019 GI)

55 / 65

The difference between Cp and Cv is equal to (LHR 2015)(SWL 2017)(DGK 2018 GI)

56 / 65

The most important factor regarding the significance of the Carnot engine is that(GRW 2015)

57 / 65

The measure of hotness or coldness of a substance is: (FSD 2016)

58 / 65

For diatomic gas γ = 1.4 and Cv = 5R/2 ( R is gas constant) than Cp will be (SGD 2018 GII)

59 / 65

Heat engine is device which converts(BWP 2010)

60 / 65

Ideal gas law is (GRW 2015)(SWL 2016)(SGD 2018)

61 / 65

According to Charles Law (FSD 2014)

62 / 65

Efficiency of Steam locomotive is:(RWP, GRIN 2016)

63 / 65

Which is called the internal energy of an ideal gas? (GRW 2012)

64 / 65

The efficiency of petrol engine is(LHR 2009)

65 / 65

Gas law PV = constant is for (RWP 2012)

Your score is

The average score is 47%


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