World SEAS and OCEANS General Knowledge Online MCQs Quiz Test pdf

World SEAS and OCEANS – General Knowledge – Online MCQ’s for Competition Commission Exam

Category : General Knowledge
Topic : World Seas & Oceans
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

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World SEAS and OCEANS - General Knowledge - MCQ's

World SEAS and OCEANS - General Knowledge - MCQ's

1 / 35

The greatest depth of water surface is about 10,900 metres at Mariana trench. It is located in the?

2 / 35

Which of the following is an Ocean Current?

3 / 35

Which is the saltiest sea of the world?

4 / 35

In which one of the following oceans, the ocean currents do not move regularly in one particular direction?

5 / 35

Which is the smallest ocean of the world?

6 / 35

Which is the smallest sea of the world?

7 / 35

Red Sea is situated in the Ocean?

8 / 35

Which of the following Oceans was called "Bahr-e-Zulamat" by Allama Iqbal?

9 / 35

What is the average depth of Atlantic Ocean?

10 / 35

Which of the following oceans covers about one third of the surface earth?

11 / 35

Which is the second largest ocean of the world?

12 / 35

Which is the largest sea in the world?

13 / 35

Sumatra Island is situated in?

14 / 35

What is the average depth of Indian Ocean?

15 / 35

The deepest point in the ocean is?

16 / 35

Ocean currents are caused by ?

17 / 35

Caspian Sea, Dead Sea and Aral Sea are actually?

18 / 35

Area wise which is the second biggest sea of the world?

19 / 35

What is the average depth of pacific Ocean?

20 / 35

Which of the following islands is located in the Caribbean Sea?

21 / 35

What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal?

22 / 35

What is the average depth of Arctic Ocean?

23 / 35

Which of the following ocean currents is popularly known as "Warm Blanket of europe"?

24 / 35

What is the area covered by South China sea?

25 / 35

Which of the following sea is located in Central Asia?

26 / 35

A ship met with an accident at 30E and 35N. The ship was sailing in the:

27 / 35

Of the total water on the earth, fresh water reserves constitute approximately?

28 / 35

Which of the following Oceans is called "father of Oceans"?

29 / 35

Which of the following sea separates Asia from Africa?

30 / 35

What is the average depth of all oceans?

31 / 35

Which is the deepest sea of the world?

32 / 35

What is the total Area of Pacific Ocean?

33 / 35

Which is the shallowest sea of the world?

34 / 35

Which is the deepest ocean in the world?

35 / 35

Consider the following countries: 1. Algeria 2. Morocco 3. Mauritania Which of these border (s) the Mediterranean Sea?

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