PEEDA ACT 2006 against Headmaster GHS Doulat Pur Computer Lab not working
No______Date___ /2020
Ph: 068-9230044, Fax No. 9230385
WHEREAS, Mr. Shahid Abbas SST/ Incharge Head Master Govt. Boys High School Doulat Pur Tehsil & District Rahim Yar Khan was proceeded under PEEDA Act-2006 on account of inefficiency on 29.01.2020, during the visit of District Education Officer (SE) Rahim Yar Khan, The district Education Officer (SE) Rahim Yar Khan recommended disciplinary proceedings against him vide letter No. 856 dated 30.01.2020, on account of following charges:-
1. UPS of Computer Lab was out of order.
2. Lights were not available in the Computer Lab.
3. Overall the Computer Lab of the school was found non-functional.
4. Science Lab of your school was found nonfunctional.
5. Un-necessary equipment’s were available in the Science Lap.
6. Proper Light arrangement was not available in the Science Lab.
7. Electricity wires were broken and scattered in the Science Lab which can cause any unpleasant incident.
AND WHEREAS, the undersigned issued a Show Cause Cum Personal Hearing Notice under section 2 (k) of the PEEDA Act-2006, bearing No. 1566/PA dated 13.02.2020 upon the accused with the direction to appear in person on 19.02.2020at 03:PM the accused appeared in person and submitted his explanatory written reply.
AND WHEREAS, the said case was fixed again for Personal Hearing on 10.03.2020, vide this office letter No. 2185/CC dated 29.02.2020. The accused attended this office and heard at length. The undersigned was unsatisfactory with the written reply submitted by accused.
NOW THEREFORE, after careful perusal of the record the undersigned I, Rana Muhammad Azhar Khan being Competent Authority has satisfied that all the charges leveled against the accused are fully proved. Hence! PENALTY OF WITHHOLDING OF ONE ANNUAL INCREMENT FOR ONE YEAR is hereby imposed upon the accused under section 4 (1) (a) (ii) of the PEEDA Act-2006.
Chief Executive Officer ( DEA)
Rahim yar Khan
NO. & Date Even:-
A Copy is forwarded for information & necessary action to:-
1. The District Education Officer (SE) Rahim Yar Khan.
2. The District Accounts Officer, Rahim Yar Khan.
3. Mr. Shahid Abbas SST/Incharge Head Master GHS Doulat Pur.
4. Office Record File.