Education News and MCQs

Training of District Education Authorities on Annual School Census 2019

Training of District Education Authorities on Annual School Census 2019

1. All District Monitoring Officers. Punjab.
2. All Chief Executive Officers. Punjab
Subject: Training of District Education Authorities (DEAs) on annual School Census 2019
Kindly refer to the subject cited above.
2. Traditionally, PMIU conducts Annual School Census on October 31 every year. Based on the practice adopt. last year. the Annual School Census will be conduct. through School Information System (SIS). On this day, Al public schools including Masjid Maktab. Primary. Elementary. Secondary and Higher Secondary will be required A log in to the SIS application in their tablets after teaching hours and submit updated data. All the District Education Officials from CEO down to AEOs will A required to personally visit schools and ensure successful completion of the activity. TA Head Teachers will be personally responsible for submitting complete and accurate data electronially.
3. The concern officials at the district level are to be provide orientation and training on SIS for Census 2019. In this regard. 2 batches of workshops are scheduled on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at QAED with the following details;
Batch 1; Timing: 9:00 am — 12:00pm
Lunch Break: 12:00pm-1:30pm
Batch 2:
Timing: 1:30 pm — 04:30 pm
The workshop will be attended by 1 AEO from each tehsil and one SDP from each district. These officers will act as Master Trainers and are requested to bring district level training schedule to QAED and share this schedule with PMIU on Saturday, October 19, 2019.
4. At the district level the trained DMOISDP will conduct the training for IT teachers from High Schools. This training must be conduct. latest by Monday, October 21, 2018. Following guidelines must be followed for this training:
i. The training/orientation will be attended by all Head teachers/IT teacher of High Schools in the district:
DMOs will arrange a venue that could easily accommodate the participants; DMOs will ensure that all required. Participants have attended the training;
iv. DMOs will share 2 good quality pictures and a 5-minute video of the training;
v. The pictures and video must show all participants;
A. The pictures and videos must be emailed to PMIU by Wednesday, October 23, 2018.
5. At the tehsil level the Master trainer AEOs will provide training/orientation to the remaining AEOs in their respective tehsils. This training must be conducted latest by Monday, October 21, 2018. Following guidelines must be follow for this training:
The training/orientation will be attend by all AEOs in the tehsil
II. Master AEOs will arrange a venue that could easily accommodate the participants:
III. DMOs will ensure that all required participants have attend the training;
iv. DMOs will share 2 good quality pictures and a 5-rninute video of the training:
v. The pictures and video must show all participants;
vi. The pictures and videos must be email to PMIU at by Wednesday, October 23. 2018.
6. At the school level AEOs will be required to visit schools that fall in their span of control and train Head Teachers. DMOs will be responsible for ensuring that all Head Teachers have been provided training. This training must be completed latest by Tuesday, October 22, 2018. After the training, DMOs will email PMIU at to certify that all Head Teachers have been trained. The email must be received by PMIU latest by Thursday. October 24. 2018.
7. The training schedules in Para 3-6/ante must be followed strictly.
Muhammad Ahmad
Programme Director
1. PSO to Secretary, School Education Department. Punjab. 2 DPI Elementary. School Education Department. Punjab.
3. DPI Secondary School Education Department. Punjab.
4. Director Monitoring. School Education Department Punjab
5. Deputy Director (M/SE). PPM. Pun).
Training of District Education Authorities on Annual School Census 2019

Training of District Education Authorities on Annual School Census 2019

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