Non filing of income Tax returns despite earning Taxable Salary
Non filing of income Tax returns despite earning Taxable Salary
Non filing of income Tax returns despite earning Taxable Salary
NO.SOR-IV(S&GAD)11-1/2019 Government of the Punjab Services & General Administration Department (Regulations Wing) Dated Lahore the 16th July 2019
Subject : Non Filling of Income Tax Returns despite earning Taxable Salary
Kindly refer to the subject cited above. 2. Section 114 of income Tax Ordinance 2001 requires Government Employees earning Taxable income to file their income Tax returns. The compliance with this provision of law is essential to ensure documentation of economy. However , contrary to this requirement , it has come to the notice of Government of the Punjab that a large number of employees are not filling their Income Tax Returns. They are under the impression that there is at source deduction of income Tax on their salaries, hence filling of returns is not called for. This is misconception , which is against the above provision of Law. 3. Foregoing in view , all the officers / Officials working under Government of the Punjab are directed to fill their legal obligation of filling returns of their Taxable income for i.e. the new dead line set by the FBR. 4. The Administrative Department are, therefore , required to ensure filling of Income Tax Returns by the Officers / Officials under their Administrative Control by 02.08.2019. All the Drawing and Disbursing / Controlling Officers may subsequently certify that compliance with the aforesaid directions has been achieved.