Multiple Choice Questions & Education News

Deduction Of Conveyance Allowance during Summer Vacations

Deduction Of Conveyance Allowance during Summer Vacations

Office of the Accountant General of Punjab
A.G. Complex Turner Road Lahore

The Deputy Accountant General
Payroll CDGL Authorities

Subject :Deduction Of Conveyance Allowance during Summer Vacations

Kindly refer to the Subject cited above.
2. The Conveyance Allowance is required to be deducted during the summer vacations of education department employees who are availing summer vacation. The detailed information i.e. Personals No. Designation Code with description and cost center of employees whose CA is to be deducted , is required for execution of relevant program before payroll processing for the month of June 2019.
It is therefore , requested that the requisite information may kindly be provided to HR Wing at the earliest to update data in time

Deputy Accountant General


Deduction Of Conveyance Allowance during Summer Vacations

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