10th Class Chemistry Important MCQs Chapter No.3 Organic Chemistry

Chemistry Class 10th MCQ Chapter No.3 Organic Chemistry

CHEMISTRY – Class 10th
Chapter Name : Organic Chemistry
Chapter No. 3
Multiple Choice Questions from Text Book
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD Matric board Papers and Text Book.

Book Name :  CHEMISTRY
Chapter No.  3
Chapter Name : Organic Chemistry
Total MCQ from Text Book :  100
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Matric Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 10th ( Matric)
Total Marks : 100
Total Time :   100 minutes 

محترم اساتذہ کرام و  پیارے طلبا و طالبات
ہم نے یہ ویب سائٹ آپ کے فائدے اور امتحانی تیاری کو مدنظر رکھ کر بنائی ہے۔ اگر آپ کو اس سے کوئی فائدہ ہوتا ہے اور آپ کو یہ ایم سی کیوز امتحان کی تیاری کے لئے سود مند ہیں ۔ تو آپ اپنے  کم سے کم دس دوستوں کو اس کا لنک ضرور  شئیر کریں۔تاکہ اس سے آپ کے  بہت سارے دوسرے دوستوں کا فائدہ ہوسکے۔


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Chemistry Class 10th Chapter No. 03 Organic Chemistry

1 / 100

Organic compounds are:

2 / 100

The branch of chemistry which deals with the study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives is known as:

3 / 100

Organic compounds are used as

4 / 100

In CnH2n+2 'n' is number of carbon atoms and in alkanes 'n' ranges from

5 / 100

According to Lavoisier compounds are obtained from animals containing:

6 / 100

Conversion of dead plants into coal by the action of bacteria and heat is called:

7 / 100

Lignite is soft coal used in power stations contains carbon content

8 / 100

Naturally occuring organic compounds are obtained from:

9 / 100

Propane has straight chain structure when terminal H is removed, it-is called

10 / 100

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, pesticides, paints, dyes, etc. are

11 / 100

The first organic compound urea is synthesized from inorganic substance ammonium cyanate (NH4CNO) by:

12 / 100

Carbonization process is the conversion of:

13 / 100

Which statement is not correct about Vital Force theory?

14 / 100

Para means

15 / 100

Which statement is correct about inorganic compounds?

16 / 100

In homologous series of organic compound those organic compounds are present which having

17 / 100

Molecular formula of butane is:

18 / 100

Which one has prepared acetic acid in Laboratory?

19 / 100

The basic condition for an element to exhibit catenation is:

20 / 100

Affin means

21 / 100

Which one of the following does not contain protein.

22 / 100

The word organic signifies:

23 / 100

Cn H2n is general formula of

24 / 100

Wood is used for making houses and furniture of all kinds. It is

25 / 100

Number of isomers increases with the increase in number of atoms in the given molecular formula:

26 / 100

All of the organic compounds contain covalent bonds between:

27 / 100

C7H15-, C10H21- are radicals

28 / 100

Identify which one of the following compounds is a ketone?

29 / 100

Which scientist showed that compounds obtained from plant were made up of C,H, and O:

30 / 100

A solution of ammonia gas in water and used to prepare nitrogenous fertilizers

31 / 100

In isopropyl hydrogen is removed from

32 / 100

Inorganic compounds arc obtained from:

33 / 100

The formula which shows the sharing of electrons between various atoms in one molecule of the organic compound is called:

34 / 100

The strong heating of coal in retorts in the absence of air is called:

35 / 100

Ammonical Liquor when treats with sulphuric acid it produces

36 / 100

Initially organic compounds are those which are obtained from:

37 / 100

 All members of homologous series are represented by general formula, general formula for alkynes is

38 / 100

Following are not organic compounds:

39 / 100

General formula of alkanes is

40 / 100

The total number of elements known today are:

41 / 100

Silicon occurs in the form of:

42 / 100

Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel?

43 / 100

The formula which represents the actual number of atoms in one molecule of the organic compound is called:

44 / 100

Peat contains 60% carbon, it is used in

45 / 100

Petroleum is refined by:

46 / 100

The ability of carbon atoms to form chains is called:

47 / 100

Pitch is black residue of:

48 / 100

Which one of the following does not contain starch?

49 / 100

Compounds have the same moleculer formula but different arrangement of atoms in their molecules or different structural formula arc called:

50 / 100

Which formula represents the exact arrangement of the different atoms of various elements present in a molecule of a substance?

51 / 100

Formula of urea is:

52 / 100

Coal gas is a mixture of:

53 / 100

 Hexyl radical is

54 / 100

Carbonization is a process of conversion of

55 / 100

The cyclic compounds that contain one or more atoms other than that of carbon atoms in their rings are called...

56 / 100

A solution of ammonia gas in water and used to prepare nitrogenous fertilizers

57 / 100

The common variety of coal, in which carbon content is 80% used as  household coal is

58 / 100

Main component of natural gas is:

59 / 100

The food we cat such as milk eggs, meat, vegetablts contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins,- are.all

60 / 100

Which one is synthetic fiber?

61 / 100

Naturally occuring organic compounds are obtained from:

62 / 100

Natural gas is 85% methane. It is used to make

63 / 100

Which one of the following is a synthetic fibre ?

64 / 100

Anthracite is superior quality hard coal that is used in industry contains carbon

65 / 100

Carbon can form very strong covalent bond with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other carbon atoms due to its:

66 / 100

Name of alkyl radical is written by replacing Pane" of alkane with

67 / 100

Aromatic compounds are also called:

68 / 100

General formula of alkyl radical is:

69 / 100

Organic compounds are poor conductor of electricity due to:

70 / 100

Which one is not property of homologous series?

71 / 100

In laboratory urea was prepared by:

72 / 100

Organic compounds are used as

73 / 100

Coal having 90% carbon contents is called:

74 / 100

The strength of C - C bond is 355KJ mor than of Si - Si is:

75 / 100

Depending upon the extent of carbonization process types of coals are..

76 / 100

The hydrocarbons and their derivatives in which covalently bonded carbon is an essential constituent:

77 / 100

Which statement is correct about coal Tar?

78 / 100

Percentage of carbon in wood is

79 / 100

Ammonical Liquor when treats with sulphuric acid it produces

80 / 100

The ability of carbon atoms to link with other carbon atoms to form long chains and large rings is called:

81 / 100

Butyl radical is C4H9-, while propyl is

82 / 100

Which one of the following statements is not true about fossil fuels?

83 / 100

The functional group —COOH is found in:

84 / 100

Octyl and pentyl are

85 / 100

Which one of the following compounds is an aldehyde?

86 / 100

In which of the following groups, oxygen is attached on both sides with carbon atoms?

87 / 100

Alkyl radicals are formed by the removal of one of atom from alkanes.

88 / 100

Atoms have similar electronic configuration:

89 / 100

It is used to provide an inert or reducing atmosphere in various metallurgical processes

90 / 100

The strong heating of coal in the absence of air is called

91 / 100

Which one of the following is the hardest coal?

92 / 100

Mixture of hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide mainly used as a fuel in industry is

93 / 100

Variety of materials such as rubber .paper ink, drugs, dyes, paints, varnishes and pesticides are prepared by

94 / 100

It is used to provide an inert or reducing atmosphere in various metallurgical  processes.

95 / 100

Which is not characteristic of organic compounds?

96 / 100

Which one is not natural fiber?

97 / 100

Which statement is not correct for carbonization?

98 / 100

Which statement is correct about coal Tar?

99 / 100

The unique characteristic of organic compounds which differentiate them from inorganic substance is their tendency to exhibit the phenomenon of:

100 / 100

In a benzene ring their is three alternating double bond and number of carbon atoms are:

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