MCQs Biology Class 10th Chapter No.2 Homeostasis

Biology MCQs Class 10th Chapter No 2 Homeostasis

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 02
Chapter Name :  Homeostasis
Book Version  : New book Printed in 2024
Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ / Fill in the Blanks / Short Answers
Exam conduct By : Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Punjab
Class / Grade  : 10th (Matriculation)
Total MCQ from Text Book : 112
Total Marks : 112
Total Time :  112 minutes


Class 10th - Biology Chapter No.02 Homeostasis

1 / 112

The main function of kidney is

2 / 112

The two diain functions of sweat are

3 / 112

Human urinary system consists of

4 / 112

The common example of xerophytes is:

5 / 112

The appearance of drops of water on the tips or edges of leaves is called:

6 / 112

Plants deposit, many metabolic wastes in their bodies as

7 / 112

During day time, oxygen is produced in mesophyll cell as a

8 / 112

Which of the following plant belongs to halophytes group?

9 / 112

During peritoneal dialysis, the waste materials move from:

10 / 112

'Body balance' of water, salts, temperature and glucose is termed as:

11 / 112

Osmosis is

12 / 112

What is removed by lungs from body?

13 / 112

Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule are the parts of

14 / 112

Which statement is true about nephron

15 / 112

In the urinary system, which part temporarily stores urine

16 / 112

Which sequence is correct about urinary system of human

17 / 112

The inner part of kidney which is pale red in colour is known as

18 / 112

Calcium oxalate is deposited in the form of crystals:

19 / 112

The outer protective layer without blood vessels is called

20 / 112

What is the percentage of kidney stone which can easily pass through urine by in take of water

21 / 112

Which of the following is not a crystal of salts

22 / 112

What is the function of the ureter?

23 / 112

Due to parenchyma cells, the plant roots and stems become juicy and wet, and these organs are known as:

24 / 112

Renal pelvis is the base of

25 / 112

The core temperature of human body remains at about:

26 / 112

Which statement is true for the formation of papillary ducts

27 / 112

dermis is

28 / 112

Sweat is produced by

29 / 112

Dialysis have

30 / 112

Renal medulla consist of

31 / 112

In Xerophytes, what is the function of parenchyma cells

32 / 112

Renal pyramids project into a

33 / 112

The maintenance of internal body temperature is called

34 / 112

The waste material of keekar is

35 / 112

The renal corpuscle is

36 / 112

Which plant has a calcium oxalate crystal?

37 / 112

Stable internal conditions are important for the

38 / 112

At night, CO2 is surplus in plants and it is removed from tissue cells by

39 / 112

Who have highly developed system for homeostasis?

40 / 112

Abu Nasr al-farabi was famous scientist who wrote many books about 

41 / 112

When excess body heat escapes through evaporation, skin helps in providing

42 / 112

The depression in kidney called hilus present

43 / 112

In each kidney there are over

44 / 112

What waste products are excreted by kidneys?

45 / 112

Where Aloes water accumulate, if high water content in soil

46 / 112

Which factor makes urine concentrated

47 / 112

In halophytes salts are not allowed to move out through the

48 / 112

In selective re-absorption what is percentage of glomerular capillaries

49 / 112

Percentage of sodium ions in composition of urine is

50 / 112

The distal convoluted tubules of many nephrons open in a single

51 / 112

Plants store large amount of water in their cells for:

52 / 112

A process in which loss of water from plant surface in the form of vapours is called:

53 / 112

The kidney failure is treated with

54 / 112

Materials that are produced during body metabolism that may harm the body is

55 / 112

Which plants have broad leaves and large number of stomata

56 / 112

In haemodialysis patient's blood is pumped through an apparatus is called

57 / 112

Hypotonic solutions have

58 / 112

Renal cortex is

59 / 112

Plants live in dry environment are:

60 / 112

How kidney are protected

61 / 112

Which is the correct order for the path taken by urine after it leaves the kidneys?

62 / 112

Glomerulus is a network of

63 / 112

When there is excess water in body fluids, kidneys form

64 / 112

Peritoneum contains

65 / 112

Hilus is the place where

66 / 112

Which statement is true about the location of kidneys

67 / 112

Mucilage is a waste material of

68 / 112

The average life time for a donated kidney is

69 / 112

End stage of kidney failure can be treated by

70 / 112

Who can be a perfect donor for kidney transplant

71 / 112

The concave side of kidney faces

72 / 112

Despite eating a rich meal in carbohydrates, the blood glucose level remains:

73 / 112

The cone-shaped areas in renal medulla is called

74 / 112

Blood enter into the kidney via

75 / 112

Approximate weigh of human kidney is

76 / 112

Which would NOT be present in the filtrate entering the Bowman's capsule of nephron?

77 / 112

Which waste material is removed by coniferous trees

78 / 112

On the basis of available amount of water and salts, plants are divided into

79 / 112

Which statement is false about xerophytes?

80 / 112

The longitudnal section of the kidney shows

81 / 112

What is removed by rubber plant as a waste material?

82 / 112

Which are the metabolic wastes removed in sweat

83 / 112

The causes of kidney failure arc

84 / 112


85 / 112

Which is the best function of kidney

86 / 112


87 / 112

Lithotripsy is method for

88 / 112

Blood carries carbon dioxide to lungs

89 / 112

Appearance of kidney is

90 / 112

Sap of vacuoles remains:

91 / 112

Mesophyll cells remove the extra-amount of oxygen through:

92 / 112

Which organ is responsible for filtering the blood?

93 / 112

The thin layer of fat cells in the dermis

94 / 112

Xerophytes have waxy cuticle over their epidermis

95 / 112

The tube between kidney and urinary bladder is the

96 / 112

The trees which shed their leaves yearly, which products are removed from their plant body?

97 / 112

The human urinary system consists of...

98 / 112

The process in which metabolic wastes are eliminated from body to maintain internal condition is called:

99 / 112

The exact sequence of renal tubule is

100 / 112

Which of the following statement is false about hydrophytes:

101 / 112

Hydrophytes are the plants which live completely or partially sub-merged in

102 / 112

The major causes of kidney stones are

103 / 112

Our skin consists of

104 / 112

Which statement is wrong about Bowman's capsule

105 / 112

Halophytes live in

106 / 112

Blood cells and proteins are not filtered through glomerular capillaries

107 / 112

Kidney transplant is

108 / 112

The normal pH of blood is

109 / 112

Which of the following are not symptoms of kidney stones

110 / 112

Typical volume of urine produced by an average adult is around

111 / 112

Which of the following is not a problem after a kidney transplant

112 / 112

Which statement is false about Goosebumps?

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