Method of English Teaching at Elementary Level Test No. 18

Category : General Knowledge
Topic : Method of English Teaching at Elementary Level [ B.Ed & M.Ed ] QUIZ No.2
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Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

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1 / 72

To ask the confirmation of some information we ask -------- type of information.

2 / 72

Steps in a lesson plane of Sir Fredric Herbert are:

3 / 72

Developed simile is also known as______:

4 / 72

Ability in our schools ignOred is

5 / 72

Ability to two languages is:

6 / 72

English is taught in Pakistan from ______

7 / 72

Skimmimg means:

8 / 72

Eclectic approach means:,

9 / 72

"Metaphore" is derived from:

10 / 72

The Productive skill is:

11 / 72

Among method of teaching grammar, methods most important are:

12 / 72

While reading, our eye movement from one word to another is:

13 / 72

The procedure of syllabic method is:

14 / 72

Perscriptive grammar is _________ oriented.

15 / 72

Grammar is the ________ analysis of writing.

16 / 72

Yes/No question are also called as:

17 / 72

"Prose" is derived from:

18 / 72

what is meant by "Realia"

19 / 72

The concept of peer teaching was introduced by:

20 / 72

The formula of asking question is:

21 / 72

In Four P's formal, there are four step one preparation, two presentation, three practice and what is four?

22 / 72

The perscriptive grammar distinguish:

23 / 72

The stressed and unstressed syllable arranged in a word is:

24 / 72

The procedure of sentence method is:

25 / 72

Activity of writing is:

26 / 72

Learning a language is:

27 / 72

What is the basic concept of inductive approach:

28 / 72

In the production stage the role ofteacher is:

29 / 72

Units in phonic method are:

30 / 72


31 / 72

Phonic method is:

32 / 72

The time period in micro-teaching is:

33 / 72

The procedure of alphabatic method is:

34 / 72

Audio Lingual means:

35 / 72

What is very important in lesson planning?

36 / 72

In teaching role paly is considered as:

37 / 72

English language has foreign vocabulary

38 / 72

In three basic questioning strategies, two are convergent,divergent what is third?

39 / 72

Wc engage ourminds actively while

40 / 72

Method of teaching reading are:

41 / 72

In multi-grade teaching how many teachers participate?

42 / 72

Descriptive grammer is __________ oriented.

43 / 72

Faster than skimming is:

44 / 72

The unit of Phonic method is:

45 / 72

Types of Grammar are:

46 / 72

In ancient times what was thought about reading and studing?

47 / 72

Semantic pictures means:

48 / 72

The knowledge of a native speaker of a language is:-

49 / 72

The basis on the which the three remaining skills are developed:

50 / 72

How many languages in Pakistan are expected to know at least?

51 / 72

In peer teaching whoteaches the class?

52 / 72

Percentage of listening devoted in communicative activity is:

53 / 72

The position if reader is:

54 / 72

The main objective of role play is:

55 / 72

Alphabetic method is also called:

56 / 72

The much free activity in speaking skill is:

57 / 72

In reading skills the information transfer exercise means:

58 / 72

By which oral communuication is possible?

59 / 72

The procedure of the sentence method is:

60 / 72

Language used in poetry is:

61 / 72

Phases in micro teaching are:

62 / 72

The role of teacher in multi-grade teaching is:

63 / 72

English was introduced in sub-continent as official language in:

64 / 72

Direct method strongly emphasizes on:

65 / 72

In the stages of speaking lesson the presentation stage is called:

66 / 72

The key in the process of habit formation?

67 / 72

English language is associated with

68 / 72

Micro teaching through technique is also called:

69 / 72

The concept of team teaching emerged in:

70 / 72

The advantage of A.V aids is:

71 / 72

Suitable for large classes is:

72 / 72

An Abstract word is:

Your score is

The average score is 37%


[mtouch quiz 117]

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