Introduction of Computers in Education M.Ed MCQs

Category : General Knowledge
Topic : Introduction of Computers in Education [ B.Ed & M.Ed ] QUIZ No.1
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, South Africa , Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

All Candidates / Students seeking for Preparation of Any Exams for Jobs (Headmaster, Principal, Senior Headmaster or Lecturer or SS Education) or Entrance Test in Universities and Colleges, We make a best selection of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) with Questions and Answers Test on our website. All These MCQs are authentic and Taking after our Verification of our Audit Teams from different areas of the World. These Thousands of MCQs cover different National and International Topics. All These MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) are downloadable in pdf format. In this Chapter we cover the Quiz/Exams about ā€œIntroduction of Computers in EDUCATIONā€.

Job Seeking Candidates use for CSS (Central Superior Service) , FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad) , PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) , SPSC(Sindh Federal Public Service Commission) , KPPSC(Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission) , BPSC ( Balochistan Public Service Commission) , UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) , PCS (Punjab Civil Services Exam) , IBPS (The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) , UPPSC(UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PRAYAGRAJ ) ,

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TheseĀ Introduction of Computers in EDUCATIONĀ General Knowledge MCQs are best for different departments like Railway, Banking , Education (Schools and Colleges),Electricity(WAPDA) or in any Private Industry.

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Education - Introduction of Computers in Education Test No. 05

Education - Introduction of Computers in Education
Test No. 05

1 / 60

The most suitable software used to make lecture sides is

2 / 60

CPU means:

3 / 60

Which is not out put device

4 / 60

Micro computer is also called as

5 / 60

Machine language consists of

6 / 60

Which of the following is accessed when you switch on your computer

7 / 60

The coloured area onscreen is

8 / 60

View, edits and file are present on

9 / 60

The computer that operates on data, which is in the
fora of continuous variable physical quantities is

10 / 60

Machine Language is Binary type programming
language that computer can:

11 / 60

Close, maximize, minimize buttons on a window are

12 / 60

Computer that represents physical quantities iii

13 / 60

A computer which links several PCs together is

14 / 60

A wwv site name is also called:

15 / 60

Personal computers are also called

16 / 60

The hardware necessary for LAN is

17 / 60

Computer software can further be divided into
application software and:

18 / 60

Central processing unit (CPU) consists of

19 / 60

Information which we provide to the computer is:

20 / 60

Physical parts c 'computer are

21 / 60

Inn confined space the most useful to use is

22 / 60

A computer gives output through:

23 / 60

The father of the modern computer is

24 / 60

In how many groups are computers classified by size

25 / 60

In a computer the raw facts are

26 / 60

Among data storage devices the least reliable is:

27 / 60

CM is abbreviation of:

28 / 60

Which is not the input unit

29 / 60

The name of first Arithmetic Machine is:

30 / 60


31 / 60

Input device is:

32 / 60

Efficiency of computer depends upon

33 / 60

Which one is used for presentation

34 / 60

Formatting a document means

35 / 60

Which one is not the example of digital computers

36 / 60

Microsoft Excel is for:

37 / 60

Most likely used to design products, structure, civil
engineering drawings and maps is

38 / 60

Which of the following enables digital data to be
transmitted over the phone lines

39 / 60

Different from others is

40 / 60

Peripheral devices that are used to get information or result from a computer are called:

41 / 60

What hardware category doei magnetic tape fall into

42 / 60

Computer that measures data in a continuous process called

43 / 60

The function of output device is:

44 / 60

Power of computer is measured in

45 / 60

A mouse & joystick are both examples of:

46 / 60

The combination of text, sound and video to displaY
information in the meaningful way is:

47 / 60

Which is not Internet application?

48 / 60

Abacus is also called as

49 / 60

View, edits and file are present on

50 / 60

Every information is stored in computer in the form of

51 / 60

Output device is

52 / 60

A Kilo Byte is equal to approximately;

53 / 60

The function of input device is:

54 / 60

Secondary storage devices is

55 / 60

The type of computer by size is

56 / 60

Coniput,_c gives results after:

57 / 60

What makes up an entire computer system

58 / 60

A long haul network is:

59 / 60

The type of computer by structure (type) is

60 / 60

Which is the part of Computer

Your score is

The average score is 55%


[mtouch quiz 104]

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