Education News and MCQs

25 Years Service Govt Decide To Retired

Rawalpindi (Qaisar Sheerazi ) Govt of the Punjab decided to retired those teachers which complete 25 years service. Government take decision on basis of Grade V and Grade VIII results. IN this list the names of those teachers included which shows poor results (zero to 5%) during the 2013 to 2015. Govt already sent retirement letters to these teachers

Govt also decided to reduce 5 years service of those employees which have less than 15 years service in education department. Remaining teachers which shows poor results and have less service , Govt Stop 3 increments.

Results between 6 to 10% , Govt reduced three years services.
Results between 11 to 20 % , Govt stop three increments.
Results between 21 to 35% , Stop increment and Service Stop.

25 years service govt decide to retired

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